
Iowa Roo Mom

Resistance Is Futile
11 Years
Apr 30, 2009
Keokuk County
Ok, so everyone on my FB page has been raving about this website,

I have looked at it, but only briefly, and I am confused. So, I decide to sign up, but evidently I have to "Request an invite"

So I click on the button and they send me an e-mail saying "thank you for joining the pinterest waiting list"

What??? I'm on a waiting list? For a freaggin' website?

Anyone else frequent this site? It is worth being on a "waiting list"?
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Interestingly, I too wanted to join that site. It is full of really great ideas so I clicked that very same button. I waited 2-3 weeks to hear from them, and mentioned to a friend I know was on the site that I was waiting a long time. She said the process moves along faster if you are "invited" by someone who already belongs to the site. Interesting concept but I was still game. After she invited me, the site sent me a congrats email saying they would love to have me since "So And So" invited me. HOWEVER, you MUST belong to a social media site like facebook or twitter in order to actually join. There is no way around this. I choose to belong to neither. So now, I also do not belong to pinterest
I belong to Pinterest, and have for a few months now. I lovelovelove it. I use it to browse the categories of 'pins' that other people have gone to the trouble of posting. Its a great resource for new recipes, decorating ideas, wedding ideas, crafts and such. The odd time I will pin things on my own like engagement ring designs and stuff like that. Its certainly not necessary for your existence but its great for endless browsing of pictures and links of cool stuff.
OK, ok... but what gets me is that I am on a waiting list! Suppose I really, REALLY wanted to check this site out... The attitude that I have to be on a waiting list is a huge turn off. It's annoying. It kind of angers me, actually. If I don't hear from them in 2-3 weeks, then it will be

to you pinterest, and they can kiss my big toe!!!
It took me a couple weeks to get my "invite" in the mail.

Not only is it interesting to check out the pins of others.... a lot of people use it to try and advertise their items that are on Etsy and the like.

Either way, I agree with kristamarie... it IS great for endless browsing. You'll be clicking on stuff and saving links like crazy.

Edited to add: If you don't plan on joining or making your own pinned walls, etc... you can still go on the site and browse the pins that are there.
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I have bookmark lists the size of Russian novels. I'm not interested in this from a glance over though, as it sounds like an ad targeting tool.
Did you mean at a glance here or did you actually go to the site and glance? I know what you mean about bookmarks. I keep telling myself that I'm going to organize mine one of these days.

My husband has teased me for years about the number of bookmarks I have! At least I have them organized by categories, but now I've had to make some sub-catagories.

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