Pipd's Peeps!

Oh my goodness these chicks are too cute for words. Their sprouting little tail feathers too. I just want to pick them up and hold them all.
Their getting bigger everytime I see them. Marge is making sure they all eat well look at those full crops. Thanks so much for sharing their pics with us. I love looking at those cute little faces and fuzzy bodies.
Glad y'all are enjoying the babies! I only got one picture today, but it's a cute one! :love Bennie's such a squirt!


The reason I didn't get any more pictures is because I was worried about Crash all day. :/ She just wasn't herself. I admit, I haven't given her much attention since the babies hatched, so I made sure to focus on her more today. She's been putting her food into her water quite intentionally over the past few days, making a nasty, gunky water that cakes her feathers, I assume out of boredom... So I gave her a bath in the big tub downstairs today to clean her up, and she perked right up! She's still off, but more herself. I suspect another egg is coming, as she's now behaving as she does when she's going to lay. :fl Here's hoping for a solid one!

Crash doesn't care much for the blowdryer, by the way. :p It just makes her so angry! She 'begrudgingly' stood still for it once it warmed up, though. :rolleyes:

Trudi, Crash's mother, also laid an egg within the past few days! (I haven't been checking very often, I didn't think she was close to starting up for the season yet!)

And, since I haven't posted about them in a while... Oh my goodness, only 58 days left until the hatchery babies arrive!! :eek:
Beautiful picture of the momma and her baby. She is so proud of those little ones and she should be they are gorgeous.

Give Crash an extra hug from me. I hope her next egg isn't a soft one. I'm glad she got to spend some time in the tub. That always perks them up. Poor baby being bad so she can get some attention.

Thanks for the update and the pic I really appreciate it.
Crashie did lay an egg overnight! It wasn't completely shell-less like they have been, but it wasn't completely solid, either. I'd call it thin-shelled. That's an improvement at least!

She's up to her usual antics today. :rolleyes: I went out to the kitchen to make myself lunch earlier, and her living room pen is out of sight from there, so naturally she was stirred. She would do her little quack-quack-quack routine, and I would tell her I was sorry, but I was making lunch! Every time, she would settle back down, like all she needed was an apology for taking so long. :lol:

She started to air-bathe in her living room pen, and she always throws shavings everywhere when she does this, so I took her to the big tub again for a bath and she had a blast! While she was drying and preening herself on the vanity, I was trying to trim her nails, which worked for the most part, but I got to the last nail and she kept standing on her own foot as if to block me from it! And, to top it off, she went right back to air-bathing as soon as I put her back in her living room pen. :rolleyes:

She's become spoiled, I think. Any time I'm eating something in the living room, she just assumes she gets some of it. She's especially fond of peanut butter sandwiches. :oops: Anyway, this time, I wasn't even eating anything (I had finished lunch by then), but she must have thought I was because she tried to swallow my fingers when I reached over toward her! :lol: The little goober!

Right now, she's sitting next to me chirping, and every time I look toward her, she does this head bobbing / nodding thing. So every time I say something, I turn to her and say, "Right, Crashie?" and, of course, she nods in agreement. :D Silly ducky!

I ought to get fresh pictures of her... For now, I do have pictures of the babies and Mama, though! I know I've been awfully focused on them lately, but I mean, come on... They're adorable! :love

When I peeked in on them, this is what I saw. Naughty babies and mama spilled their food!!


Indi is playing innocent on this one. "What?"


I try to hold the babies at least once a day so that they're used to it, and this time I thought I'd take pictures of them while I was at it. Indi, as always, is a charmer:


Bennie's not sure he likes this!


Marka, he's always cooperative for my silly ideas! :love


And Winter... Not so much. :lol:


We've been trying out our new wings lately! Here's Bennie and Marka playing around! Bennie looks like a little jet plane! :lol:


Mama and Winty :love


The babies went under Mama for nap time, but before I left, I saw this. Bennie. :rolleyes:


Mama's keeping an eye on things while Bennie goofs around. :lol:


Meanwhile, up front... :love


If anyone doubts that these babies are Margie's... :lol:

This computer is really getting on my nerves here.
My shockwave keeps crashing.

I hope that Crash continues to improve. She really sounds like she is a stinker. She probably wants more attention from you. That head bobbing is so cute. Agreeing with everything you say.

The pictures are so cute. They are growing by leaps and bounds there. Marge is going to have her hands full when they get bigger. I love how they peek out from under her feathers. Thanks so much for sharing them with us. Give them all a kiss from me.
Yeah, I had that going on for a long time. It was because of ads bogging down my browser and locking things up. I finally had to get an ad blocker because nothing else was helping. :/ The other option is subscribing to the site so that it's ad free, but being in college and not actually earning any money of my own, free ad blockers are a bit more accessible for me...

Ugh, Crash really is a stinker! She's spent all day chattering at me for my attention when I'm already giving it to her! Now the sun's come through the window and she's quietly basking, but man, she had a lot to say earlier! :lol:

I took her in for her bath and got a few pictures of her while I was at it. She seems so tiny in that tub! :lol: It's probably the same volume as the other tub, but it's round instead of rectangular, so it seems a lot bigger! Here she is playing cute because she was being a butt while I was trying to get her to pose nicely!


Splash time!


See, this is what I get when I try to take nice pictures of her! :tongue


"What?" Silly duck!


ARGH, that little ducky smile!! :love


"Um, excuse me, person, the water's all gone..."


I was hoping she'd be cute with the blowdryer again, but apparently she needed to keep up appearances and doesn't want the world to know she actually enjoys it. :rolleyes:

I haven't gotten baby pictures yet today--GASP!--but I will later. For now, I have to try and keep a ducky settled so that I can finish some homework!
Okay, I lied. :oops: Mama had taken babies to bed already by the time I went out to take pictures. I got a few pics of the big girls instead. :) Oh, and Reuben! What a man! :rolleyes:


Roha and Huka heard me and came right over!


We cleaned the inside birds' cages (not Crashie's, I have a Budgie and a Conure as well :) ) and dumped all the old seed casings and things in with the girls to peck at. They've been having a blast with that for a couple days now!


Maggie's moving out! :lol:


And my Elly-welly. :love She's wondering when she's going to get her lap time already!

Crash is so cute. She does look tiny in that big tub. I'm glad she got some tubbie time that always makes them happy.

I think it is all these adds that is slowing me down here. I'll check on an add blocker to see if that will help.

Your Maggie looks just like my Muffin. They could be sisters. She is always jumping the fence and spends most of her days with the ducks. She thinks the ducks get more treats then the chickens. They really don't but that is what she thinks.

Thanks for sharing the pics with us. Have a great day.
Heehee, yep, Crashie loves her tub time! :D Hope that an ad blocker can get your computer running again!

Maggie is pretty crazy, too! Every day at free-range time, she has to hop up onto the feed shed so that she can FLY!! out the chicken yard gate to free-range! :rolleyes:

ANYWAY! I got lots of Mama and baby pictures today! I think this makes up for not getting any yesterday. :D I tried to get nice pictures of them in my lap, but none of them wanted to cooperate. But here's what I got!

Indigo--look how BIG he's getting!


Marka, who is already getting spots like his daddy! See the black feather in his wing?


Winty, ugh, so stubborn!


And Bennie the little butt! :p


Before I was able to get many shots of Bennie to pick from, he hopped up over my hand and off he went! :eek: I had to go grab him again and make sure he was okay, that scared me! (Obviously, he was fine; it was just down from my lap...)


Here's all the babies together. :love Left to right, this is Marka, Indi, Winty, and Bennie hiding away.


Indi baby :love


Gotta keep up with Mama! RUN!!


Speaking of Mama, she is looking fabulous!


AND, she is still taking her job very seriously! :lol:


Marka and Winty, caught red handed sneaking out from under Mama during their nap time! Don't they look so guilty! :p


Marka takes himself too seriously. :rolleyes:


Bennie and Winty with Mama! I love this picture so much, even if Mama blinked!! :tongue


Here's Winty under Mama's wing :love


And Bennie the stinker!


Indi had to get in on it as well!


Look at these little squirts!! :love


And this was the last picture I took while I was out there about an hour ago, Mama getting the babies settled for the night. :love I'd better head out and get everyone to bed by now!


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