Pipd's Peeps!

Do you like the egg glow? I've never used one before. Our temps have really went down over night. We are at 6 degrees this morning. That is way to cold for me. I hope the chickens water didn't freeze I'm running their heater but with this temp it's hard to keep it above freezing.

I can't wait to see what color they are all going to be. They are going to be beautiful no matter what color.

Take care and stay warm and hold the babies for me.
I LOVE the EcoGlow! So much that I have two of them now! The chicks I've raised with them in the past have been quieter, feathered out faster, weaned themselves off heat in practically no time, were immediately used to day and night rather than having 24 hours of light, and they just seem healthier and hardier overall! I will NEVER use a heat lamp again--there is just no comparison!

We got very cold up here, too. I think the low was 0 last night. BRRR! The girls were eager for their breakfast this morning! It was cold enough that the house got cold, too, and my room was just over 60 degrees when I woke up this morning, which was a little bit alarming with the new chickies up there. The babies are still running around happy as can be, though, so I guess they're fine!

Speaking of them, I have more pictures! :love They're just irresistible! Its going to stink going back to class on Monday and not being able to just sit and stare at them all day. SIGH. :lol:

I lifted the EcoGlow to grab some pictures of them, and got this look from Lucky. Always has to be in the spotlight, this little one. :rolleyes:


My adorable little messy eaters :love :love :love


Fuzzies in the food dish!! :love :love That's Lucky on the left and Omega on the right.


I guess my li'l chipmunks like to stick together. Cute little partners in crime! :lol:


Got my peeps in a row! :love :love They were all 5 lined up like this and I could just see their little feet under the EcoGlow, but I missed that.


Lucky, looking for the spotlight again. :rolleyes: I swear!


Alphie and Baby A took turns running out to see what the camera was every time I put it down in the brooder. They look like little bouncers. :lol:


"I'm sorry, this club is exclusive, and you're not on the list." :love

They are such little cuties. I love the captions too. Even as young as they are they already have little personalities. Thanks so much for sharing them with us I love them all.
More baby pictures! They dirtied up their brooder pretty quick, so I had them running around on the carpet while I shook the little peep poops off their towel and flipped it over. No pictures of that, but I did take individual pictures of everyone in my lap just because it seemed like I didn't have individual pictures of everyone just yet.

Baby A, with as much attitude as always:










A couple more for fun. Alphie says, "Higher! Higher!"


And Omega getting cuddles. :love Can you even resist this face?!


Some antics in the brooder. Baby A and Lucky had to rush out to see what was up with the camera:


Baby A :love She's either full of attitude or posing pretty!


Omega coming out to play :love


We're all still trying to fit in the food dish together. :rolleyes: Baby A is still posing pretty, though :love


Waiting in line at the feed dish :love :love


Peek-a-boo! :love :love They were looking right up at me!!


And getting all snuggled down for the night. :love


Things we've started doing already... Baby A, Alphie, and Lucky have all started trying to hop on top of the EcoGlow. :rolleyes: They're not quite big enough to make it yet, but they sure are trying! Also, I was holding Onesie and when I put her back in the brooder, she flopped over and tried to dust bathe on the towel! :love Too much cuteness!!
This morning, Onesie stood up in a really tall and uncomfortable looking stance, and made a distressed peeping sound. It took me until the second time that he did it to have a moment of realization--

Did that 4-day-old chick just crow?! :eek: :th

I'm not 100% sure that's what it was because it happened only twice and I wasn't paying full attention until the end of the second time, but I think that may have been what just happened! So... I guess we can start calling Onesie a 'him'?
I've never heard of a 4 day old chick crowing but you know anything is possible. I was looking at Onesie's pics and he does look a little rooish. The pics are great and the food bowl line is so cute. They are waiting turns to eat. Has the mom seen them yet? I know they don't recognize their babies but I still like to see their faces when they do look at the chicks.

Coach went back out to the coop this morning because it's warmed up and Bubba will take the girls out. I was shocked he started crowing at 8 which was good for a roo. They usually start a lot earlier then that. He tried so hard to make up to Goldie our little house chicken she's a cochan to like him. She wanted nothing to do with him. She would run to me and want me to pick her up.

Have a great day and thanks so much for sharing your babies pics.
Yup, Onesie is definitely a little man! He was crowing as much as a little peeper could this morning--right up until I got the camera out, and then he was done. :rolleyes: I'm making it my goal to catch him in the act on video!

In other news, guess who finally laid an egg! ENDYMION! :weee

And guess what color it is!

GREEN!! And not just green, a nice, bold, deep green! :love


Unfortunately, as you can probably see in that picture, it's cracked. Endymion decided to lay it from on top of one of the hutches, but with her butt off the edge so it fell to the floor. :idunno

As is probably evident by the lack of baby pictures over the past couple days, the semester has started as of Monday, and it's starting off busy already! I already had a sizable amount of homework due today, and more due Friday. I guess they decided against easing us back into classes after break... :th So if I'm quiet a lot this semester... you know why.
Well, today I tried (and failed) to catch Onesie on camera crowing. The little stinker didn't crow even once this morning! :rant So I moved on and started getting feed dishes filled and such, when I heard the little chirpy crow in the brooder. I rushed over with camera in hand, only to find that Onesie was under the EcoGlow, and so someone else almost had to be crowing, and my strongest suspicion based on how the chickies were standing is that it was Omega! Not 100%, but it looks like we have 2 for sure boys!

I am a little bit concerned about Baby A, because she crackles a bit when she breathes. They all had a bit of that at first, but it cleared off on most of them, so I assumed it was from the humidity in the incubator. Now I'm not so sure... So I'm going to give them a round of Denagard and see if that helps.

Anyway, I got pictures today! :D The babies are a week old, with the exception of Baby A, who is a day older. A few individual pictures, which I didn't realize until just now were kind of pointless because you can't see most of their new feathers... :lol:

Baby A:






The little man himself, Onesie:


And the potential other little man, Omega:


Just a few more pictures. Here's a shot where you can actually see Baby A's wings:


The Chipmunk Twins, Omega and Lucky:


I swear, they were having some kind of secret meeting over their food...


Oh, the little faces! :love


...And then there's Keiko. :p


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