Pipd's Peeps!

Hi, all! Sorry I haven't posted in a week and a half! Last week was harrowing, stressful, and draining. Long story short, I had a group project due last Wednesday, which no one in my group had done anything with until that week, and after I got my portion of it done and sent it to the group, they decided to restart the whole project--the night before it was due. :barnie So I've been taking it easy for a few days now, not feeling up to doing much. Luckily for me, it's now spring break for me, so I've been perfectly able to be lazy. :D

I did get pictures of the babies yesterday, when they were officially 2 months old! I forgot entirely to post them only because the battle with mites continues on still, so I was distracted by that. The permethrin is clearly not doing the trick, so I'll be treating with Ivermectin next. Since Ivermectin is also a dewormer, and others have reported that it can kill enough worms so abruptly that it can cause an intestinal blockage, I'm deworming the flock first with Albendozole, which kills the worms more slowly and is less of a risk for causing blockages. If the Ivermectin fails to work, well, I may be pinching pennies for a while to afford Elector PSP as a last-ditch effort. The stuff is expensive, but is supposed to work well and not have any problems with immune mites yet because it's so new to the market. Here's hoping anyway. The cheapest you can get it is about $130 for just 8 ounces, though. :/

Anyway, since the mites persist, I decided to check Donna and Roscoe over for them last week. I didn't see any on them, but when I put Roscoe down, there was one crawling on me, so I knew they must have them still, too. In light of that, I've begun reintroducing them to the flock to be treated along with the rest of the adults. Roscoe, the braniac that he is, bloodied his comb pretty well by fighting other birds through the bars of his cage, so I had to put him up out of reach while reintroducing. There were a few cold nights I had to bring them in to be safe, but it's pretty warm now, so they're out. Now I can clean up my room for the chicks coming as soon as a week from tomorrow! :th

Just a few cell pictures, here is Roscoe, not amused by being put in a bin overnight on one of those cold nights:


I have Donna and Roscoe in pens on the hutches while they're reintroducing. Apparently, this is now where Callette wants to lay her eggs. Here is how I found one of her eggs yesterday. That ledge is 5, maybe 6 inches wide.


And here is Lydda, all the way up on top of Roscoe's cage on the hutch, doing her best to look innocent. :rolleyes:


Now, onto the pictures of the feather duster squad yesterday! They were outside while I was taking their pictures, and they absolutely NEVER cooperate for pictures when they're outside! :rolleyes:

Here's sweet Abra. Look how orange she's gotten!


Rowena, who could barely be bothered to look up from the grass. :rolleyes:


Lucky, the spunky one!


Ramsay, the absolute hardest to get pictures of sometimes!!


And Rigby, who's starting to gain some spunk of his own!


You may notice that Lucky and Ramsay are pretty tough to tell apart. It's kind of funny, Lucky and Rigby started out as 'twins', and now it's Lucky and Ramsay that are so similar in appearance! Luckily enough (haha, aren't I funny?), Lucky has dark gray down while Ramsay has reddish down, so I can still tell them apart fairly easily.

Anyway, while I was out with them, the babies didn't want to be in their little corral. I didn't think I could keep track of them running loose, so I blocked off a little area around myself so that one or two of them could poke around out there at a time. Before I knew it, all five were out! :rolleyes: This space was hardly big enough for the five of them to spread out in, while the corral gave them much more room, but what do I know. :lol:


Once I convinced them to go back in their little corral, they were soon traumatized by a very scary airplane that flew over:


And some absolutely terrifying Sandhill Cranes. Here is Abra looking up toward the cranes:


I don't even know what happened this time, but I looked away for just a second, and the next thing I knew, Rowena was trying to hide away in my legs! Something must have scared her good! :confused:


Whatever it was must have also frightened Abra, but she decided to hide under my 'wing':


It was a good day for bird watching, anyway. While I was sitting there with the chicks, a little tiny Brown Creeper joined us on a tree only 6 feet away. It was terribly adorable! None of the pictures I took of it turned out, though. :/

Anyway, some miscellaneous pictures from their time outside. Here is Abra, looking up from a preen while perched on my knee:


Rowena was really enjoying the grass, and she found a few bugs while she was at it, too!


This was one of the pictures I got while STRUGGLING to get Ramsay's picture! I snapped the shot, and apparently he very quickly bent over and started eating just then. :lol:


Rigby, meanwhile, posed quite handsomely for me. :love


Last but not least, here is an Abra cuddle. :love :love

Pipd, WHAT CAMARADERIE DO YOU HAVE?!I have a stupid blurry bad camara on my IPad and I can't have good pictures to BYC unless my mum sends them to me :gig

The Feather Dusters are so cute, Hey!Thats what you should call them!LOL So, I'm awful But, what breeds are you getting again.A uh, Silver dorking and uh I'm at lost.

ALSO so all plain chicks failed, BUT Meyer Hatchery has chicks, and a minimum of 3! :weee :woot :cd :yiipchick I can only have four chicks, so if she allows me, :woot
Ah, gotta love the classic group projects where everyone waits until the last minute to do everything. Never fails to raise the blood pressure (and even make your hair fall out!). Anyways, the babies are so cute! Can't believe how much they've grown. Also Roscoe is a very handsome rooster. Are you going to be keeping all of the babies?
Pipd, WHAT CAMARADERIE DO YOU HAVE?!I have a stupid blurry bad camara on my IPad and I can't have good pictures to BYC unless my mum sends them to me :gig

The Feather Dusters are so cute, Hey!Thats what you should call them!LOL So, I'm awful But, what breeds are you getting again.A uh, Silver dorking and uh I'm at lost.

ALSO so all plain chicks failed, BUT Meyer Hatchery has chicks, and a minimum of 3! :weee :woot :cd :yiipchick I can only have four chicks, so if she allows me, :woot

I feel your pain--I used to use my cell phone to take pictures of my flock. Nothing harder to do than take pictures of something in constant motion with a camera that blurs with the slightest motion! I have a Nikon D3100 camera that I got for my birthday years ago.

I'm getting 6 Colored Dorkings, 5 Red Dorkings, and 4 each of Wheaten and Black Copper Marans, BUT they're straight run, so I'm only keeping the girls and maybe one or two boys. :)

Oooh, fingers crossed on Meyer chicks for you! That's where I got my three Silver Gray Dorking girls! :D

Ah, gotta love the classic group projects where everyone waits until the last minute to do everything. Never fails to raise the blood pressure (and even make your hair fall out!). Anyways, the babies are so cute! Can't believe how much they've grown. Also Roscoe is a very handsome rooster. Are you going to be keeping all of the babies? 

Yep, everyone loves group projects. So, so much... :rant

If you're talking about the feather duster squad, then yes, those guys get a pass because they're very rare and hard to find, so I'll tolerate them better than I tolerate Umru and Ben. As for the babies coming in about a week, I'm only keeping the girls out of those, and maybe one or two well-behaved boys. :)

Somewhat on the same topic as the feather duster squad, you know you're obsessed with chickens when...

Last night, I dreamed that I went grocery shopping in this weird, open-stall style grocery store, and there were chickens running loose through it, including two large fowl silkied Red Cochins. Come to find out, they were for sale, but you had to catch them first. I woke up before I could catch either of them, though! I don't think large fowl silkied Cochins even exist, but if they did, wouldn't that just be amazing? :love One can dream, right? :lol:

Ohh yeah, I feel the pain of Stright run!I SOO want Silkies and D'Uccles, but when ever I DO find them sexed, they are $13 a PICE!

Love the dream LOL

Ohh yeah, I feel the pain of Stright run!I SOO want Silkies and D'Uccles, but when ever I DO find them sexed, they are $13 a PICE!

Love the dream LOL

Yeah, and if you're referring to MyPetChicken, it sounds like their 'sexed' bantams aren't much different than their straight run bantams anyway. :/ Seems like a lousy thing to charge that much extra to sex chicks when you can't do it accurately anyway. But that's just my two cents there.

It's always a good day when you dreamed of chickens the night before. :D

Haha, chicken dreams are always lovely... I could imagine large fowled silkie cochins looking like giant pillows or something... :love  If only 

The regular large fowl Cochins are like big, floofy pillows! :love It would be like having big, floofy, fuzzy pillows! :lol: Hmmm...


A small dose of the flock from yesterday with a couple cell phone pictures. Umru busted out of his pen and was beating up on the girls, which further makes me believe he has no place here. :/ Luckily, Reuby, and to my surprise, Winter were keeping him in check until I got there, and Debra Jo even kicked his butt once or twice! Anyway, after I chased him around and around and finally caught him to return him to his pen, I had to console my poor, abused, frightened girls. The Dorkings gladly took this opportunity to have some cuddles. :love This is Callette, on the left, learning from the master therapist, Elda, with Lydda in the background. I sure love my Dorkings!


And here's Izzy, the stinker! She kept looking REALLY close at the camera in my phone, but by the time the picture took, she had backed off. I was disappointed not to catch her up close like that at first, but then I saw the picture that I did get. Not too shabby!

A sad day today. At the nightly role call, I came up one short and soon determined that Mabel was missing. After a short search, I found her lying cold on the ground not too far from the deck, as if she had just fallen asleep there and not gotten back up. I had noticed that she had started limping about a week ago, but numerous checkups came up with no reason for her leg or foot to be hurting her, and she seemed fine otherwise. Dad thinks she may have sustained an internal injury from flying into something or some similar event, which caused the limp and her eventual death. I'm so going to miss my bossy Mabey hen. :(


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