Pipd's Peeps!

I'm so very sorry you lost Skua. Poor baby. Please don't blame yourself we can't be with them all the time.

It seems forever since you ordered the babies. I can't wait to see their pics. Are the silky cochans out in the coop yet?

My ducks have started laying again. I hope I am collecting all of the eggs. We have 15 ducks now and that is plenty. I would love to live in the country and have more space and let them hatch. With this crazy weather we are having it's not a good time for anything to hatch outside. Tomorrow night we are suppose to get down in the 30s. Yesterday we were in the 70s.

Take care and let us know when the babies get there.
I just came on to post that Crashie laid her first egg of the season. Trudi laid her first egg a few days ago, too. Call ducks aren't exactly known for their egg laying prowess, so I wasn't expecting to see eggs for a while! I put Crash on her calcium supplement again, because her egg was soft, just like last year. :/ Oh, well. She seems a lot perkier now and isn't as loud as she was being over the winter, though, so there's that. Good luck finding your eggs, Pattyhen--sometimes I have a hard time finding them and I only have Trudi outside! Well, and Malcolm, but obviousoly he's not hiding any eggs. :p

The feather duster squad (the silkied Cochin babies) aren't out in the coop just yet. I want to make sure the mites are gone before I do that. Since the weather is looking like it's finally done rollercoastering (knock on wood), they'll be going outside to a pen away from the flock when I'm not away at class. It occurs to me that I haven't taken pictures of them in a couple weeks--it's a busy time right now for me, I guess!

We haven't gotten the call yet on the chicks. They call the evening after they ship, so apparently they haven't been shipped yet. They ship Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, though, so fingers crossed I get a call tonight or tomorrow night! :fl If they don't ship this week, it's another 2 weeks before the next possible ship date! :/

Oh, I also wanted to add, be careful with a coy-wolf out there, Cluckcluck! :eek: That IS scary!
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I just came on to post that Crashie laid her first egg of the season. Trudi laid her first egg a few days ago, too. Call ducks aren't exactly known for their egg laying prowess, so I wasn't expecting to see eggs for a while! I put Crash on her calcium supplement again, because her egg was soft, just like last year. :/ Oh, well. She seems a lot perkier now and isn't as loud as she was being over the winter, though, so there's that. Good luck finding your eggs, Pattyhen--sometimes I have a hard time finding them and I only have Trudi outside! Well, and Malcolm, but obviousoly he's not hiding any eggs. :p

The feather duster squad (the silkied Cochin babies) aren't out in the coop just yet. I want to make sure the mites are gone before I do that. Since the weather is looking like it's finally done rollercoastering (knock on wood), they'll be going outside to a pen away from the flock when I'm not away at class. It occurs to me that I haven't taken pictures of them in a couple weeks--it's a busy time right now for me, I guess!

We haven't gotten the call yet on the chicks. They call the evening after they ship, so apparently they haven't been shipped yet. They ship Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, though, so fingers crossed I get a call tonight or tomorrow night! :fl If they don't ship this week, it's another 2 weeks before the next possible ship date! :/

Oh, I also wanted to add, be careful with a coy-wolf out there, Cluckcluck! :eek: That IS scary!

Yes!I was also at a farm store last week and TWO other people saw similar things!and DM Saw a article about Coy-Wolves becoming much more common in ME.
A lady at the farm store said,"I had said to my husband:'Careful it's Not Diesel!'Because that thing was so big!And brazen!"She thought it was her dog, a huge German Shepard at once!
No call or email this week. :/ Looks like the chicks aren't coming yet. SIGH.

On the plus side, it's been positively beautiful here the past couple days. Of course, I have next to no homework, so it's supposed to be rainy all weekend. But I'm still going to try to get the camera out this weekend and see what I can get. :)
No call or email this week.
Looks like the chicks aren't coming yet. SIGH.

On the plus side, it's been positively beautiful here the past couple days. Of course, I have next to no homework, so it's supposed to be rainy all weekend. But I'm still going to try to get the camera out this weekend and see what I can get.

Darn. Waiting for the chicks must be killing you! Can't wait for more pictures. It's raining here in CT this weekend too.
It really is! :/ The real killer is the lack of certainty! Other places I've ordered chicks from, the week you order them for is the week you get them! But it'll be okay. I'm just nervous about the whole thing!

Anyway, pictures! It was a blustery, cloudy, gray day, but we didn't get much rain at least. I took my camera out when I took the feather duster squad out today and grabbed some pictures. I haven't taken pictures of them since they were around 8 1/2 weeks old, and they are a little over 11 weeks old now. They have GROWN! See for yourself:

Abra, my Abie-Baby :love


Rowena, looking remarkably like her mother:


Lucky, who is incredibly difficult to tell apart from Ramsay:


Ramsay--see the above note about Lucky:


And little Rigby:


They always look so shocked after the trip from the brooder to the great outdoors. Rigby's face in the bottom left is priceless, though. :lol:


They were having a blast with the box this time around. They usually don't get the chance to, but I made their outside corral a bit bigger, so I left the box in with them this time. Here is Ramsay on the outside of the box and Rigby on the inside of the box, playing. To these boys, 'playing' usually means hackles are flared and they are chest bumping. :rolleyes:


The girls got into it a few times, too, though, they spent most of their time posing pretty. Abra even got a few hugs out of it:


But seriously, isn't she turning into a gorgeous young lady? :love


Here's a lovely profile shot of Rowena, too. :love


Lucky gave me a good shot of him, too. He tries to be cute still, but I know better. Such a stinker! :rolleyes:


Here's Ramsay and Lucky. It was super windy, and they weren't intentionally holding their tails up so high--the wind was pushing them up! :lol: Notice that Lucky, in the foreground, has that patch of gray fluff in his tail. I use that to tell him and Ramsay apart usually, although in pictures sometimes it's easier to look at their combs. Lucky has 5 comb points, and Ramsay has just 4.


Rigby's pretty easy to tell from the other two because he's smaller and darker in coloration. His comb is kind of 'crinkly', too:


Now, some outtakes. I was serious when I said it was windy! Look at Ramsay's wattles blowing in the wind! :lol:


Even funnier was when Ramsay got smacked in the face with his own wattle. Rigby, on the right, is thinking he sure is glad his wattles are smaller. :lau

Very nice pics. They have really grown and are so precious. Those waddles remind me of guineas waddles flapping in the wind. Ramsey and Rigby look so cute with their hackles up. Really tuff dudes.

Surely the chicks will come this week. Everybody is anxious to see the little ones.

Thanks so much for sharing the pics with us.
Sorry, been really busy with school lately! I haven't gotten word yet, but I should (hopefully) get a call tonight or tomorrow night about them! :fl If not, it's another 2 week wait for the next possible date. :/

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