Pipd's Peeps!

The babies are 3 weeks old today! Wow, it's been a fast few weeks! :th Of course, I have all their individual pictures like always. I also took a bunch of Baby G because I'm still really torn. I'm trying not to drive myself crazy, so I'll post those and that's that until it's more apparent. Hopefully that will only take another week. :p Oh, and they are still in their baby bands, but I switched them as soon as I was done taking pictures. They weren't really tight, as I could still see between their legs and the bands, but they were not moving around freely anymore, so it was definitely time. The new ones seemed like they'd be too loose (probably because I clicked the wrong size when ordering them :he ), but they're actually good. Nice and loose, but not so loose that they can come off. :)

Anyway, pictures! In hatch order as always, starting with Baby P. What an absolute stinker this little guy is turning into!

Baby P.jpg

(He blinked on his close-up :rolleyes: )

Baby P close up.jpg

Baby B. Based on that comb color, I'm pretty confident saying this is a little fella, too. :)

Baby B.jpg

Ain't he sweet? :love

Baby B close up.jpg

Baby G. Oh, Baby G! :th She's a cutie either way, though. :)

Baby G.jpg

Oh that comb... :barnie

Baby G close up.jpg

Baby Y. Also some comb color. Pretty sure he's a little guy, too.

Baby Y.jpg
Baby Y close up.jpg

Baby R, my for sure girl. She really wanted to be near me, so she was leaning toward the camera, making her face look out of focus. SIGH. :rolleyes:

Baby R.jpg

Look at this sweet face, though!! :love :love

Baby R close up.jpg

Now, for the Baby G comparison pictures. If y'all have any opinion, let me know. But I swear, I'm not going to dwell on it anymore after this, not until I'm sure! (We'll see how long that lasts :duc ) Here are comparisons between Baby G and the for sure pullet, Baby R, and one of the for sure cockerels, Baby B. I went with B because he's most similar in down pattern to Baby G, so I figured he'd make the best comparison. Right? :p

is baby G a girl 1.jpg

(I promise I'm not choking her here! :eek: I didn't know how this looked until I looked at the pics on my computer!)

is baby G a girl 2.jpg

These are comb comparisons between the same three babies. THIS is the only reason why I question it at all at this point:

is baby G a girl comb compare 1.jpg
is baby G a girl comb compare 2.jpg
is baby G a girl comb compare 3.jpg

Sigh... ANYWAY, that's it! Done! Not going to dwell! The more I say it, the more it has to be true, right? :p Riiight...

Anyway, one last one for fun. When I moved Baby G to the paper towel 'studio' for her pictures, she froze exactly where I left her. She was too cute not to grab a shot of her like this. :love

Baby G outtake.jpg
The babies are 3 weeks old today! Wow, it's been a fast few weeks! :th Of course, I have all their individual pictures like always. I also took a bunch of Baby G because I'm still really torn. I'm trying not to drive myself crazy, so I'll post those and that's that until it's more apparent. Hopefully that will only take another week. :p Oh, and they are still in their baby bands, but I switched them as soon as I was done taking pictures. They weren't really tight, as I could still see between their legs and the bands, but they were not moving around freely anymore, so it was definitely time. The new ones seemed like they'd be too loose (probably because I clicked the wrong size when ordering them :he ), but they're actually good. Nice and loose, but not so loose that they can come off. :)

Anyway, pictures! In hatch order as always, starting with Baby P. What an absolute stinker this little guy is turning into!

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(He blinked on his close-up :rolleyes: )

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Baby B. Based on that comb color, I'm pretty confident saying this is a little fella, too. :)

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Ain't he sweet? :love

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Baby G. Oh, Baby G! :th She's a cutie either way, though. :)

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Oh that comb... :barnie

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Baby Y. Also some comb color. Pretty sure he's a little guy, too.

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Baby R, my for sure girl. She really wanted to be near me, so she was leaning toward the camera, making her face look out of focus. SIGH. :rolleyes:

View attachment 1742122

Look at this sweet face, though!! :love :love

View attachment 1742121

Now, for the Baby G comparison pictures. If y'all have any opinion, let me know. But I swear, I'm not going to dwell on it anymore after this, not until I'm sure! (We'll see how long that lasts :duc ) Here are comparisons between Baby G and the for sure pullet, Baby R, and one of the for sure cockerels, Baby B. I went with B because he's most similar in down pattern to Baby G, so I figured he'd make the best comparison. Right? :p

View attachment 1742125

(I promise I'm not choking her here! :eek: I didn't know how this looked until I looked at the pics on my computer!)

View attachment 1742126

These are comb comparisons between the same three babies. THIS is the only reason why I question it at all at this point:

View attachment 1742127 View attachment 1742128 View attachment 1742129

Sigh... ANYWAY, that's it! Done! Not going to dwell! The more I say it, the more it has to be true, right? :p Riiight...

Anyway, one last one for fun. When I moved Baby G to the paper towel 'studio' for her pictures, she froze exactly where I left her. She was too cute not to grab a shot of her like this. :love

View attachment 1742117
They are very cute!
They definitely are! :love Even if they do drive me nuts sometimes!! :p I've really got to get a solid pen together for them outside so that I don't have to babysit them every time they go out. It's nasty and rainy today, so it's not happening now, but hopefully soon. They're flying around their brooder like little maniacs! Thankfully, no one has figured out that they can fly out of the brooder yet. Still, these babies need to spend more time outside where they can really get some exercise in!

In other news, my Easter HAL eggs are officially in lockdown this morning! :fl Hoping for three healthy babies by this weekend!!
They definitely are! :love Even if they do drive me nuts sometimes!! :p I've really got to get a solid pen together for them outside so that I don't have to babysit them every time they go out. It's nasty and rainy today, so it's not happening now, but hopefully soon. They're flying around their brooder like little maniacs! Thankfully, no one has figured out that they can fly out of the brooder yet. Still, these babies need to spend more time outside where they can really get some exercise in!

In other news, my Easter HAL eggs are officially in lockdown this morning! :fl Hoping for three healthy babies by this weekend!!
Good luck with the hatch!
Probably. It depends on their temperament as always. Actually, I'm not sure what I'd do with them if they did turn mean. :confused: Their father tops out at just over a pound, so I can't imagine they'd be large enough to send to Martin's in the event that they turn aggressive. I'll just have to figure it out as I go. :)

In other news, I guess I locked down on the three Easter HAL eggs just in time--we have two pips already!! :eek:
I went up to check on the eggs--no further progress
watching the clock.gif
--and then sat with the OEGB babies for a bit. I think I've named them, tentatively at least. The boys were easy, but I'm still really torn about the girls (hopefully plural) and may change them later. For the moment, here's what I've settled on:

Baby P will be named Rigel (pronounced like Nigel, but with an R), the brightest star in Orion.
Baby Y will be named Toliman, part of a binary star that is the brightest in Centaurus.
Baby B will be Achernar (pronounced ay-ker-nar), the brightest star of Eridanus.

I didn't really choose these names based on the constellations they're part of, but more on their brightness and color. Toliman is a yellowish star, while Achernar is bluish. There really aren't any purplish stars, but since Baby P is Khaki, and therefore the lightest colored chick in the group, I figured a whitish star like Rigel would fit just as well. :)

As for the girls, I'm tentatively calling Baby R Vega and Baby G Altair, the brightest stars in Lyra and Aquila, respectively. These two stars were often depicted as birds on astrolabes, so I thought it was a cute and fitting pair for my girls. The reason why they're tentative is twofold. Of course, there's the hesitance I have to say for sure that Baby G is a girl. I suppose Altair would work on a male as well, but I'd rather have it as a name for a pullet. There's also that Vega, to me, sounds pretty similar to Vira, the name of one of my Mottled Cochin girls, which might bother me. So, those two are tentative for now. :)
Oh my goodness, just checked again--B2 and G1 look like they're both starting to zip! :eek: New babies are imminent!!


(Yes, G1 has a big calcification on the side--I Nu-skinned it and hoped for the best, and it worked out!)


G2 is still just a pip, but it only pipped this morning, so I'm being patient with it... :p


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