Pipd's Peeps!

Sorry, was having some issues with uploading! As suspected, my issue was the number of pictures on the previous page. :barnie Anyway, here are the pictures of the Easter-eggers at about one week old! Starting with the EHAL babies:

B2 'Bluie' - BOY what a comb! :eek:

B2 Bluie.jpg
B2 face.jpg

G1 'Tank', just because 'she's a little tank. :p

G1 Tank.jpg

G1 face.jpg

G2 'Greenie'. I'm liking the hint of brown coming through on her wings. :love

G2 Greenie.jpg

G2 face.jpg

And the Meyer babies:

Miss Brownie-bite :love

Brownie bite.jpg
Brownie face.jpg

Miss Poofy-face :love :love Those cheeks!

Poofy Face.jpg
Poofy Face face.jpg

Poofy-twin, bantam baby. Her wings are even coming in very similar to Poofy-face!

Poofy twin.jpg
Poofy twin face.jpg

Silvery, the other bantam. No change in the toes so far :fl

Silver face.jpg
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Sorry, was having some issues with uploading! As suspected, my issue was the number of pictures on the previous page. :barnie Anyway, here are the pictures of the Easter-eggers at about one week old! Starting with the EHAL babies:

B2 'Bluie' - BOY what a comb! :eek:

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G1 'Tank', just because 'she's a little tank. :p

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View attachment 1754562

G2 'Greenie'. I'm liking the hint of brown coming through on her wings. :love

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View attachment 1754564

And the Meyer babies:

Miss Brownie-bite :love

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Miss Poofy-face :love :love Those cheeks!

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Poofy-twin, bantam baby. Her wings are even coming in very similar to Poofy-face!

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Silvery, the other bantam. No change in the toes so far :fl

View attachment 1754571 View attachment 1754570
So sorry I haven't posted here in so long! I completely forgot about this thread.
The babies are so precious :love I have chick-fever bad, lol! Miss Poofy-Face is so adorable.
How is the precious Crashie doing?
Hi, Cluckcluck! :frow Long time, no see! :)

Crashie? Well, as some of y'all might remember, I lost Trudi last year, rather abruptly, and so Malcolm was alone. Since I had always wanted Crash to eventually go outside to live, I introduced her to Mal, and once Crashie got over her initial shyness, they hit it off pretty well and spent the winter together! Now that spring has come, I think they've really bonded as a pair, though. Crash would much rather spend her time with Malcolm than with silly, stinky humans. :p But she's happy, playing in mud all day and swimming in their pool any time she wants, and that's what's important. :)
Hi, Cluckcluck! :frow Long time, no see! :)

Crashie? Well, as some of y'all might remember, I lost Trudi last year, rather abruptly, and so Malcolm was alone. Since I had always wanted Crash to eventually go outside to live, I introduced her to Mal, and once Crashie got over her initial shyness, they hit it off pretty well and spent the winter together! Now that spring has come, I think they've really bonded as a pair, though. Crash would much rather spend her time with Malcolm than with silly, stinky humans. :p But she's happy, playing in mud all day and swimming in their pool any time she wants, and that's what's important. :)
To long!

Oh, man. Sorry about Trudi :hugs
That's wonderful they bonded so well though! I've found with ducks that they are not like chickens when it comes to humans, most like to be left alone.
But as long as Crash is happy, that's great.
The babies are growing up to be so pretty! Love the color on the silver ones. Also love the fluffy face. Hope your day has been well, and hopefully better than mine. Got attacked by a rooster at work and the jerk gave me four bloody marks through my jeans :mad: Glad to hear Crashie is getting along with Malcolm.
To long!

Oh, man. Sorry about Trudi :hugs
That's wonderful they bonded so well though! I've found with ducks that they are not like chickens when it comes to humans, most like to be left alone.
But as long as Crash is happy, that's great.

I agree on the ducks. I mean, I've only ever had the three, but they definitely seem to prefer the company of their own species (now that I've convinced Crash that she's a duck and not a tiny, feathered human :p ) as opposed to that of their keepers. Not like my hennies--you can't sit down anywhere outside without at least three of them vying for a spot on your lap! :love

The babies are growing up to be so pretty! Love the color on the silver ones. Also love the fluffy face. Hope your day has been well, and hopefully better than mine. Got attacked by a rooster at work and the jerk gave me four bloody marks through my jeans :mad: Glad to hear Crashie is getting along with Malcolm.

Oh, man, not that same one again? :mad: I'm frustrated for you! Good thing about your tetanus booster, I'm not sure if I would have thought of that, either!
Oh, man, not that same one again? :mad: I'm frustrated for you! Good thing about your tetanus booster, I'm not sure if I would have thought of that, either!
I can't tell which one it is, there's a bunch of roosters and they all look the same. And they're all rude. :hmm Hopefully the weather is getting nicer where you are and you can take some nice spring pictures. Hope the babies are doing well.
I can't tell which one it is, there's a bunch of roosters and they all look the same. And they're all rude. :hmm Hopefully the weather is getting nicer where you are and you can take some nice spring pictures. Hope the babies are doing well.

I can't believe they'd just let that keep up and not do anything with those darn roosters! :hmm Sorry you have to deal with that at work!

I definitely need to! It has been nice and warm here, but we've had nothing but RAIN for what seems like forever! I do have pictures of the OEGBs inside today for their 5-weekiversary, though! :) Names are on the pictures:


(His poor comb... :hmm )

Rigel face.jpg
Acher face.jpg
Alta face.jpg
Toli face.jpg
Vega face.jpg

Acher and Toli are starting to look like miniatures of their father. :love And my girls keep getting sweeter--I get why people love OEGBs so much now, beyond just that they're too stinkin' cute! :love :love

Just a couple more shots of Toli and Vega being extra cute. :love They were curious about this chicken pitcher that's sitting on my desk right beside the paper towel studio. :p

Toli cute.jpg
Vega cute.jpg

This weekend, or maybe even a little sooner, I'm going to start letting the younger ones mingle with them without the divider. With supervision, however, as the boys have already dinged up poor B2, who hopped out of their corner into the OEGBs' section the other day. :barnie The girls seem pretty gentle with them through the fence, so I think they'll be okay with them. Maybe I'll just separate the boys out while I'm not in the room so that the babies can start integrating together without me having to worry about them.

Speaking of the younger babies... Silvery and G1 were chest bumping awfully ferociously this morning... Possible indication that they're both little fellas? :duc :oops:

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