plastic waterers with red bottoms


Chickens Ate My Brain
9 Years
Sep 9, 2010
yes, I would like automatic waterers, but right now it's not doable. I have one 5 gallon bucket in my main coop with nipples (which the chickens do use) and in the "baby" coop I have the white plastic waterers that have the red bottoms. Ideally, once you screw the black lid on the water is supposed to stop free flowing and only come out as the chickens drink the water. However, I have one that doesn't seem to work very well. I've tightened as much as I can, but the water keeps coming out.

Does anyone else have this problem? or what am I doing wrong. Is there a secret?
yes I know what you are talking about, I used to have the ones that where round on the bottom and they just stink, they kept leaking then i got this ones with the octagon bottom they work better.
also make sure that when you screw the top cap on you don't cross threaded it
is the one you talking about like the one I got here?
You need to make sure your rubber seal is still in the cap and not dried out if it is. I have found that mine dont have to be tight at all
to keep the water from flowing.In fact too tight can keep the water from coming out.I think maybe the seal is gone or dried out and not
doing it's job.
It has to be a defective O-ring. Or you're not screwing the cap on tight enough. (which I'm pretty sure you are)
Do you hang it from the handle? Maybe the cap is becoming fatigued if you are. Just a thought.
Clean the top and the O ring well, and put a little Vaseline or vegetable oil on the O ring before you tighten it down.

Always rinse the top when you refill, and wet the O ring
One of mine had a crack on the red part that holds it in. It made it leak like like crazy.
A long time ago I had the same problem and tried securing it with flash caulking and cut the top open, added pipe so I could fill it from the top and have an "auto-ish" waterer. It worked but I was concerned about the caulking affecting the water. Then they started pecking at it and trying to eat the caulking. I'm sure you are smarter than me and would not try this but just an FYI not to be as dumb as me
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