Please give feedback on Winter Coop Update


7 Years
Apr 26, 2017
Northeast Wyoming
We built our first coop this summer and I wanted to make sure that it had lots of ventilation, but in the recent below 0 cold and snow, it ended up letting snow in and my run isn't covered, so my poor chickens couldn't escape the snow! These pictures are of the ways we temporarily fixed the issues, but any suggestions for how we can build a permanent fix come spring? The covering on the vents is the thickest clear vinyl they sell by the yard that I could get at my local walmart. Just a yard covered part way on the big vents and completely the back vents (which were even with the chickens' heads while roosting.) Sorry about my finger in the last one. I couldn't see my screen!
Looks like you need to have a coop that is closed off from the run. Chickens need to be able to go to a warm, dry place out of the wind. I think your holes in the sides wil be fine for ventilation. But you should close off the open side, and maybe put in a door for you, and a chicken door. You should also put something on the ground for the chickens feet. (I'm supposing there isn't a floor). Thats my advice! Good luck!
Okay, I was thinking that where all that snow was, was looking inside the coop. But I see that it's actually not. But is your coop closed off? Cause if the chickens could go in the coop, I don't know why they would stay outside. Sorry, I'm trying to understand! :)
Thank you! My coop is separate from the run, although the chickens favorite place to hang out is the two foot tall space under the coop. I just took pictures of the changes, I should've done one of the whole thing! I just think it's crazy that they would rather hang out in the sand under the coop than inside it!
Can you make covers that you install on the inside so that the top unhooks and leans inward with hinges at the bottom.


See how the window here opens out at the bottom. Turn that upside down and mount inside so it leans in at the top. I am thinking that will work better for you since your vents are above the run.
Thank you! My coop is separate from the run, although the chickens favorite place to hang out is the two foot tall space under the coop. I just took pictures of the changes, I should've done one of the whole thing! I just think it's crazy that they would rather hang out in the sand under the coop than inside it!
Well, that's kind of a chicken thing.......looks like its pretty cold where you are. Is your coop warm enough, so they aren't getting frostbite? I hang up a heat lamp when it gets really cold. It has helped dramatically! Haven't had any frostbite except one big when it was like -20, and the lamp couldn't warm it completely. But it was only the very tips of the comb.
I just went out to check for eggs and check the water. Here is a shot of the whole set up for our 6 chickens. The whole run was covered in snow when we put up the tarp in -10 weather. It's warm today though! 26 above!
Can you make covers that you install on the inside so that the top unhooks and leans inward with hinges at the bottom.

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See how the window here opens out at the bottom. Turn that upside down and mount inside so it leans in at the top. I am thinking that will work better for you since your vents are above the run.
Thank you! We will have to build something similar this summer!
Well, that's kind of a chicken thing.......looks like its pretty cold where you are. Is your coop warm enough, so they aren't getting frostbite? I hang up a heat lamp when it gets really cold. It has helped dramatically! Haven't had any frostbite except one big when it was like -20, and the lamp couldn't warm it completely. But it was only the very tips of the comb.
I think it's warm enough, but everything I've read is conflicting on adding heat. I know my husband's coworkers that have chickens in our town say they never have heated their coops. But we've had lots of frozen eggs, so we are thinking of finding a way to insulate the nesting boxes since they hang outside the back of the coop.
Winter is full of hard choices.
To heat or not to heat is one of those decisions.

Personally I do not heat.

If for any reason you decide to heat please take extreme care in using heat lamps. Every year we read of coops, barns and yes even a human house burning down because of some fallen, broken heat lamp.
Last year maybe year before there was even a thread about a small coop, a heat lamp and sleeping birds getting burnt feathers because sleeping birds just do not move.

There is another way to make a sort of baffle on your ventilation....
Home Depot sells coragated plastic sheets. Easy to cut with a utility knife.

Not a great pic but I think you get the idea. I can pull down for more and push it up to reduce when wind is blowing.

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