Please help!! - Customized feed

I am under the weather.
Hope you get to feeling better soon
I am under the weather, will find out once well Garden Peas.

What I can tell you is that we have alfalah if it is the same thing as lucern. That is what horses and goats are fed. Wheat or rice straw mixed with chopped up maize grass is fed to cows. Also the residue that is obtained after extracting oil from sunflower is given to lactating cows to increase milk yield. That's about it for now. The rest I will find out and get back to you ASAP. I appreciate your interest greatly. Thanks very much!

yes, apparently lucerne is another name for alfalfa... what form do you have? Bales, pellets or ???
Good quality alfalfa may be 20% protein
Hope you feel better soon.
Hopefully You are feeling better South shore. If you have wheat straw, then you have wheat. I feed wheat to my geese and everybody else (ducks,guineas, chickens, turkeys * peas) steal it. You might want to chart it in. Also you could try fermenting your feed ( without any brewers yeast, add that just before feeding). Its easy, just cover it with water and leave it a few days. You want at least an inch of water over the top after its absorbed what it will and you have to stir it every now & then and when it bubbles, its ready to feed, just strain the water out & add the brewers yeast & feed. Use the same water, just add more feed. Fermenting is supposed to add about 12% to the digestibility of the proteins. My peas prefer it to the game bird and the game bird to everything else I've feed. Leafy alfalfa hay is a good food to leave available to them. Vionate is a good vitamin supplement for them if they need one or (like me) it makes you feel better to know they are getting what they need.
What we feed varies, depending on what is available to us, how many birds we are feeding, and for most of us, cost. That means, what you need to know is what your peas require- protein,vitamin,mineral,fat,& carbohydrate, and then to meet it using what's available in your area. We commonly use soybean meal as a protein source because its available and reasonably priced, much better would be shrimp, walnuts, and any other number of high quality proteins. What I am saying is that we all use what we think is the best we can do,BUT what is best in the U.S. may not be the same as what is best where you are.
Sorry for the lecture but I hope it helps.
No soyabean or kelp or berries Trefoil. Fruits are banana, guava, melon, watermelon, apples, oranges, mango, plums, apricots, peaches, cocnuts etc. We have spinach
We have fresh Alfalfah during season Garden Peas

Look at the feed store for chopped alfalfa compressed into a large plastic bag. We have that here and my caged peas will eat it year round and the free range peas will eat it during the winter when there are no fresh greens out in the yard. Here it is 17% protein, the bag states that it can be wetted for easier consumption. I was surprised to see the peas eating the short, chopped stems as well as the powdered leaves.

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