Please Help Me I feel like I may not get past this 😢😢😭😭

Thanks everyone, I am still reeling from this. The dog is a Siberian Husky and she has killed bunnies before and a blue jay outside when this happened I boarded up the shed so bunnies couldn’t nest under, and made a kennel area away from everything except the neighbors fence. It’s work and no more kills until today. I have 4 adult ducks she’s never bothered but they are not in my house, I have 2 ducks that are 4 weeks old in the house she’s never bothered, these babies were just born 2 weeks ago she’s never bothered them until today, she actually protected them from the other two dogs and stood guard and wouldn’t let them near them. That why this makes no sense. She does have epilepsy but again today makes no sense and I know she did it I have cameras and saw it. I hatched these babies stayed up all night to make sure they were ok and one I had to help cause it was stuck. I did put in a mirror and a stuffed animal I also moved the brooder into the room with the 4 week olds so baby can at least hear the other ducks even though they cannot see. My daughter asked the bury the baby so we did. I live in a place that has winter and we are only in the 30’s during the day and 20’s at night this is why the babies are in my house
I’m so sorry you lost the baby
Don’t be to hard on yourself we are human not robots
I also have a Siberian husky 12 years old
She will kill a rabbit in a heartbeat but is my ducks guardian dog
I still never let her near my little ones till at least 3 weeks of age attended and 6-7 weeks unattended
She stays with her ducks all day
if you can do a see no touch with the baby to the older ducklings in a week ur two you can put them together
I had one baby hatch 2 weeks after my other eggs
I did see no touch for 2 weeks and they accepted her as part of their flock when I did introduce

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