Please help sex my peafowl!

Can Resolution still post from that account?


He could if he wanted to.  He took too many insults for his liking and left.  He tried to have all his posts removed unsuccessfully so we can still read what he had shared.

I took a look at some of the threads he posted in and felt some tension in them. Guess he used to be a sponsor?


This is an orphaned Indian (blue) peachick I raised from 2 months, about 4 months old now. I think it's a girl, but not 100% sure. Any guesses from those in the know?
It actually could be male cause female usually have solid brown feathers, but that one has brown feathers with blackish stripes in them
This is a tough one. I see both male and female characteristics, but I think I have to agree with Dany12 and say Hen.
I'm going with Peacock! Judging from my boys when they were 4 months old. The B.S. in the pic is a hen and the IB is a male at 4 months old
by 4 months the barred wings have faded more so then then the Pea in question
male or female its a beautiful bird!
I'm going with Peacock! Judging from my boys when they were 4 months old. The B.S. in the pic is a hen and the IB is a male at 4 months old by 4 months the barred wings have faded more so then then the Pea in question
male or female its a beautiful bird!

Do you have any pics of your boy's wing feathers at 4 months? The wings on that bird are so brown and have so little striping, that is what has me thinking hen. Your boy's neck also looks a bit brighter in color to me.

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