Plymouth Rock thread!

I still haven't found the official S.O.P. for Blue Plymouth Rocks but did come across an old write up on them that does confirm they require "distinct lacing". Eventually I'll break down and purchase a book to answer my questions about dark eye and/or leg color disqualifications/standards.

Here's the photo that went with that chapter:

Above link is chapter 12 which is devoted an entire page! Very short read.

By next spring I wont be able to declare I've a Rock flock. Going to attempt to make the paint before purchasing the barn so to speak. It's backwards from common wisdom but with limited space and need of massive hatching think it's the path I'll need to trod upon.
I didn't catch your previous posts on this topic but eye color should be reddish bay like all the other varieties of Plymouth Rock. You are correct in that the Blue Rock plummage color should be the same as for any other blue chicken. Leg color should be yellow but hens/pullets will likely have a dark wash (similiar as commonly seen in Barred). Any other leg color is a DQ. Hope that helps.
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Hey folks, I'm hoping I can get some information here. I'm looking to start a small-scale poultry operation for a rancher who primarily focuses in organic beef but has many customer requests for organic, pastured chicken and eggs.

I am NOT interested in show quality birds or show quality prices, rather ones that have barnyard smarts. These birds will be living in hawk territory without the possibility of a LGD, and if they are to be free ranged the roos need to fend for the hens.

I'd ideally like to start with a line that dresses out nicely for the table relatively young, while females produce a respectable quantity of eggs. We will be looking to start with 50 chicks or so and I would love to buy them from a GA/SC/W NC/E TN breeder on here!!! They don't have to already have the barnyard smarts - I plan to let nature take its course with that one and grow from the survivors.

I should note that color is NOT important, but I would prefer one that doesn't "pop" from a natural setting to attract predators (partridge and barred were my first thoughts). We are much more interested in how the males fill out and how the females lay. I am also pretty focused on developing a line that is predator wary, hence my primary interest in the plymouth rocks - my free-range hatchery girls learned how to avoid hawks at a very young age and 4 of 7 are still truckin' 4 years later!

I appreciate any suggestions you have - please send me a PM if you know of someone, think a different breed would better suit our needs, or would be interested in selling some chicks. Started birds (culls) are also of serious interest.

Hey folks, I'm hoping I can get some information here. I'm looking to start a small-scale poultry operation for a rancher who primarily focuses in organic beef but has many customer requests for organic, pastured chicken and eggs.

I am NOT interested in show quality birds or show quality prices, rather ones that have barnyard smarts. These birds will be living in hawk territory without the possibility of a LGD, and if they are to be free ranged the roos need to fend for the hens.

I'd ideally like to start with a line that dresses out nicely for the table relatively young, while females produce a respectable quantity of eggs. We will be looking to start with 50 chicks or so and I would love to buy them from a GA/SC/W NC/E TN breeder on here!!! They don't have to already have the barnyard smarts - I plan to let nature take its course with that one and grow from the survivors.

I should note that color is NOT important, but I would prefer one that doesn't "pop" from a natural setting to attract predators (partridge and barred were my first thoughts). We are much more interested in how the males fill out and how the females lay. I am also pretty focused on developing a line that is predator wary, hence my primary interest in the plymouth rocks - my free-range hatchery girls learned how to avoid hawks at a very young age and 4 of 7 are still truckin' 4 years later!

I appreciate any suggestions you have - please send me a PM if you know of someone, think a different breed would better suit our needs, or would be interested in selling some chicks. Started birds (culls) are also of serious interest.


You can't go wrong with Good Shepherd Poultry Barred Rocks (Frank Reese Jr.) . These are heritage bred for both meat and eggs...he runs his on pasture and reports that nothing tastes better than a Rock bird. I believe he posted that they are selling birds/hatching eggs currently.

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