Plymouth Rock thread!

They don't have to already have the barnyard smarts - I plan to let nature take its course with that one and grow from the survivors.

I am also pretty focused on developing a line that is predator wary,......

I think that is a great goal! Was done for generations by my grandparents and their parents. Survival of the fittest/smartest. I would love to hear about your progress. Right now I have a white rock that is very good at survival, however, my silver penciled rocks not so much. They just stand their when the Rooster calls, but they are pretty big now and the hawk that tired to attack could not carry one off.

It is good that you have acknowledge you will lose some (a lot) and are prepared to do so. The ones left should be very good at evasion and will pass that on.
were you thinking just one breed? i am thinking brown leghorn for eggs..they do lay white eggs..if you need brown eggs order some red sex links..either of those will be the most eggs for feed and having both i can tell you they will forage very well.for roosters i would get the brown leghorns with either breed.. if you put some low shelters with shade cloth around for them to get under they will learn to avoid hawks..for meat order some cornish cross they will put on the most meat for your feed have to slaughter them by 7 or 8 weeks or they will get too big..i use a 8'x16' hoop house on wheels daily move to feed mine after 3 weeks in a brooder they get grass and feed are much much tastier than anything you can buy in a store..but still have the large breast and thighs that the customer wants..just my opinion i have experimented with this myself and thats the economic way i have come up with just my opinion and many others will have a different i love heritage rirs but they can't compete with the layers for eggs or the meaties for meat..good luck and hats off for making a difference in the food chain that is really good for people.
you can hatch from these but the least expensive way is to replace the layers at about 2 yrs with new hatchery stock....
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Could any of you post a few pics of your full grown barred rocks?? I have a 31ish week old girl who is laying large brown eggs but I'm not sure if she's full grown yet. She's a hatchery bird.
Are white feathers on a BR a DQ? I am new to finding my way around the SOP but it says Black feathers are... well 2 or more if I read that right. But is WHITE? And if they have feathers that are DQ's would it have to be the WHOLE feather? If it is partially white or black and partially barred would that count? I don't show, but would like some clarification please.

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