Plymouth Rock thread!

(Just for clarification - it's not preferred, it is required for Plymouth Rocks. Any color other than yellow would be a DQ.)
Yes that one of those words that changes the whole meaning of a phrase for sure. It's sorta like being required by law that you to drive the posted speed limit or like saying the cop prefers that you to drive the posted speed limit. He is required to inform you of the difference and explain it well too. LOL

Jeff av.....
Scott, you know, I'm not sure what laid that. It's an old picture. I'm kind of an egg freak, and have lots of egg pics. Wish I knew, it was kind of neat. My Giants often lay eggs with purplish splotches. Yeah, I need to get out more...
(Just for clarification - it's not preferred, it is required for Plymouth Rocks.  Any color other than yellow would be a DQ.)

Wynette if you look in your American Standard of Perfection you will clearly see that Yellow is preferred but Dusky Yellow will also be seen. Under Disqualification you will also see "Shanks and toes other than Yellow or Dusky Yellow.", not just Yellow. In my opinion anyone breeding poultry would benefit greatly by having and using the American Standard of Perfection. :)

Wynette if you look in your American Standard of Perfection you will clearly see that Yellow is preferred but Dusky Yellow will also be seen. Under Disqualification you will also see "Shanks and toes other than Yellow or Dusky Yellow.", not just Yellow. In my opinion anyone breeding poultry would benefit greatly by having and using the American Standard of Perfection.

I believe the correct interpretation of the Standard is as follows:

In Plymouth Rocks....

In MALES - Legs, YELLOW is the REQUIRED standard (it is not a preference, but a requirement).

In FEMALES - Legs. YELLOW is the REQUIRED standard, although dusky yellow is allowed. Of the 2, YELLOW (in other words, pure yellow) is the preferred color of the 2 allowable choices. Here again, yellow legs is a requirement (not a preference), although they may be dusky yellow as well

My gut feeling tells me that since Wynette has been breeding birds for many more years than I, and in several breed, that she certainly has a copy of the standard and understands it quite well
Yep, I have a standard and have been breeding fowl for many years - PR for almost 7 years; I have shown, placed, I do know my way around showing fowl and the SOP. Indeed, it's true that the SOP is most helpful when breeding to the standard; I would also say it would be helpful for anyone providing feedback on a breed/variety, to have more than just a few months of experience with said breed/variety. Just my opinion.
If I'm not mistaken, the color for Plymouth Rock legs in general is the same, is it not? And it's very normal for pullets to have some darker wash down the leg fronts as well as less bright yellow legs than the males. The BBS Rocks have some trouble in that area, but should have yellow legs, though they often appear dusky or almost slate-ish.

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