Plymouth Rock thread!

Yay soon going to have more babies soon my 7 month old Wyandotte mix is sitting on 13 or so eggs not sure just leaving here pretty sure the are all plymouths if not then my family friend can have it as they are making there first coop will show you guys when it's finished
Are Plymouth Rock's known to be very broody? My young hen (not even a year old yet) has decided she absolutely wants to be broody, she's very dedicated so I've given her 9 eggs to hatch

It seems the exhibition thread for plymouth rocks was recently closed, so I suppose I'll ask here! Does anyone have any recommendation on lines/breeders for white rocks?

I have 3 hatchery stock rocks, a barred, a white, and a partridge. My white is so built her father might as well have been a horse! She's beastly in size and just feels like a powerful bird to hold. I love her and want more like her! She seems much more like what I'd expect from a dual purpose breed in comparison to my other two, who are beautiful but not nearly so meaty.

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