Polar Vortex Prep

Nov 30, 2021
Hey there
We have a forecasted -35c coming later this week. I have a very tiny flock of two pullets at the moment, in a coop with plenty of ventilation. They coldest they've been has been -20c for a night or two, but this is extreme temps coming up and going to be windy. Should I wrap their roost with towels to add extra warmth, or cover up anything but minimum ventilation? I worry about frostbite since one of them has a huge comb. I was thinking of getting those 8hr hand warming pads and tucking them on the roost bar under a towel - is that nuts? I just want to avoid frostbite. So far they've been good other than the tiniest tip of the large comb when we had close to -20 for a number of days in a row. Any advice welcome (also looking through old posts)
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Yikes, that is COLD! I can understand why the tucked hand warmer idea appeals to you. I'm curious to see what our advanced members say
as am I! I was thinking either that or maybe a hot water bottle in a towel to just give them a cozy corner. they're hardy ladies but I don't want them to be really cold.
0C is 32F, so math wise 32 less 35 is actually -3F, right? Or no?
No. I wish it was that easy. Always looking up F here to celsius when on here ha. The only time it lines up is -40c is -40f. F is actually smaller measurement than celcius so it never makes sense and I always. need to google. I hope one day you guys join the rest of the world, as it's much easier to know water freezes at 0 and boils at 100 ;)

Here is the actual formula (but use google calculator)

Celcius to F
Multiply the °C temperature by 1.8. Add 32 to this number. This is the answer in °F.
°F = (°C × 9/5) + 32

And reverse:
°C = (°F − 32) x 5/9

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