Polish roo eye gone and eye socket bleeding help

His eye is swelled shut today but you can see his eye yesterday in the pictures I posted
Oh yes I see the eye in the earlier picture. It looks like you have really done well cleaning it up today. I hope his swelling starts to go down. Hopefully the swelling isn't pus underneath there. I just don't have experience with that much swelling. I have seen pictures of respiratory infections with that sort of swelling, but not wounds causing it.
Me too I don't want to lose him! Should I clean it like that everyday and always keep the neosporin in it I've been applying it 2x a day is that enough its closing all the way up and only has a little hole and that's where I was having problems getting the yellow stuff out Thank you for your help I appreciate it tremendously!
I think Neosporin twice a day is plenty. I wish you could get a second opinion on the swelling around the eye from the vet techs or better from the vet. They might be able to prescribe a better antibiotic or give him a steroid injection or eye ointment that might help with the swelling.
Wow, that's a wound. I've had good luck with triple antibiotic ointment and penicillin. I use a 23 gauge needle. I draw up the .5 ml of pen, then I draw up .1 or .2 of saline to make it thinner. I usually give 5 doses.
I'll bet you were relieved to find his eye okay.
I'm gonna give him one more shot of penicillin his open was open this morning but he's still very swollen I went to tractor supply and bought duramycin and some medicated crumbles with chlortetracycline type c along with a vitamin supplement would it be ok to try those on him the vet office has been no help I've called all 3 in our area :( and yes was very relieved to find his eye
Duramycin and chlortetracycline are both types of tetracycline. I don't think tetracycline will do much for his wound, since it is more of a respiratory or an intestinal antibiotic, but you could try it. I was thinking of something like clavamox or baytril (enrofloxacin,) since they are more potent than penicillin. You can buy those drugs online from a fish store. Ciprofloxacin is close to baytril--here is a link: http://www.lambertvetsupply.com/product.asp?itemid=2732&gclid=CP6WvduFwLsCFdEWMgod-z4AFg Be sure and give him some probiotics now to help his gut bacteria get back on track. Probiotics are best since dairy will cause tetracyclines (duramycin and chlortetracycline) to not be absorbed orally. Do not give both at the same time or you will overdose him.
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Thank you so much I'm ordering him some tonight hopefully I can have it shipped next day! I think Ill just stash those other antibotics in case I would ever need them. He's been such a good boy thru all of this poor lil guy everyone keeps saying to cull him but I can't he's too friendly and sweet and has such a will to live. I have vitamin and electrolytes powder that has lacto bacillus in it which I've been giving him for a few days now. He's opening his one eye a little here and there so I think a little if the swelling has went down but it still looks huge. THANK YOU AGAIN I would of never knew I could order the one antibotic I guess that's what some of the posts I've read on other forums on here where about people would say you can fish around for them lol it confused me when I read that
I do hope other people will look at this thread and offer any insight. He seems better, but the swelling issue after a full course of penicillin is baffling. Hopefully someone who has actually treated this type of injury will chime in. I'm glad your new antibiotics will come in soon.
I hope others will give me some insight on this too I wasn't sure which dosage to order I ordered the 250 mg I thought the 500 sounded maybe to strong for a chicken how do I give him this in his water food or trick him by putting it in a treat?

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