Polish Thread!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

These are some pictures taken today of my splash Polish roo Donovan, the one I said is trying to decide if he will be handsome, and I think he is coming around. Sorry for cage pictures, but I was down shooting some other pics and just decided to take some of him. He is in with a mixed flock of pullets and he really knows he's a rooster, very protective of them. The picture with the Brahma pullet is my favorite. Celtlore/Sandra
He is a doll..I've never had any color other than GL and Tolbunt, they've never caught my eye but he's got me eyeballing the yard to see if I can fit another run out there..lol.. I'd say he's definitely on his way from gawky teen to stunning roo.. my GL roo (in my profile pic) was just like that..I got him when he was about 3 days old. .by the time he was 3 weeks old, he screamed roo..everything from his size to personality. .my friend that has him now, her Silkie roo has always been #1, but not that she sees 'Prince' with the girls, she said he's secretly her favorite ♡♡
If it were mine, I'd be calling it a she

I agree, very pretty.

First the WCB polish looks like a girl.

Thanks for answering! I'm so happy to hear that!

Good luck with your little chick, CrzyChknLady81, she looks very sweet.

And Celtlore, your Donovan reminds me a LOT in attitude (or as much as one can tell from a photo) of my cockerel from last year, though Amelia was buff laced. He's living nearby with someone I know but I still miss him every day.
Thank you Holm25. I see you have ducks also. I have two Rouen and 1 blue Swedish and 2 black Swedish. I love them, but those guys grow super-fast compared to a chickens. They are in their own little duck yard now. They are about 9 weeks old approximately and could be a bit older.

My Mother was from Minnesota. Born in Blackduck in Beltrami County, came to Alabama in 1936 for her father to work in the steel mills here.
He is a doll..I've never had any color other than GL and Tolbunt, they've never caught my eye but he's got me eyeballing the yard to see if I can fit another run out there..lol..
I'd say he's definitely on his way from gawky teen to stunning roo..
my GL roo (in my profile pic) was just like that..I got him when he was about 3 days old. .by the time he was 3 weeks old, he screamed roo..everything from his size to personality. .my friend that has him now, her Silkie roo has always been #1, but not that she sees 'Prince' with the girls, she said he's secretly her favorite ♡♡
He is not real splashy marked yet, and I am not sure how splashed with black Polish become, but his mohawk is getting more black in it now. Thank you for your kind comments. I love the gold laced, and yours is handsome. When I bought my Buff laced eggs I asked if he would substitute a few gold laced for the buff and he indicated he would if he could, so hopefully when these hatch (always being positive now), there may be a gold laced in the bunch.

This is my little WCB chick named Totoro. (S)he's between 6-7 weeks, and I know it's too early to really tell, but am I correct in thinking that her crest is at least suggestive that she could be a little pullet? I raised a little Polish cockerel last year and her crest is looking very very different than his. He also had reddening wattles at this stage, and the flat area where hers will be is completely skin colored. Anyway, I was just looking for the opinion of some people with my experience than me. Thanks for looking :)

What a doll she is. I just love the hairdo!
Just thought I would share my polish roo with his non polish hens.

Watch out that those BLRW don't throttle the gentle boy. Hens are notorious for ganging up on younger males and Wyans are considered "dominant" personalities. My friend had to separate her EE cockerels from the hens/pullets because the males were really getting chased/picked on.
Watch out that those BLRW don't throttle the gentle boy. Hens are notorious for ganging up on younger males and Wyans are considered "dominant" personalities. My friend had to separate her EE cockerels from the hens/pullets because the males were really getting chased/picked on.

They are the same age, I don't know their age. But I really don't care, their just all really pretty. Thank you for that information, I will keep that in mind and watch them.
First the WCB polish looks like a girl.

Second those chicks r super cute. What color r they??

And third the splash roo is very pretty and the Brahma is to!

They are Tolbunts if that was directed towards me..
Here they are now..


It was touch n go with the little one, but she's doing great ♡♡

I did see a cross beak starting in my blue Silkie chick..very sad about that bc this chick is super quality otherwise and was hoping he or she would make it to my blue/splash pen :(

I am putting my eggs in the incubator some time tonight.  I have 15 Polish (buff laced, maybe a gold laced), 12 calico bantams, and 1 partridge Silkie egg.  Yesterday, my new incubator, was broke upon arrival, so I had to just go to Tractor Supply today and got a Farm Innovators 4200, and so far, its running quite well.  Letting it run and try to calibrate before putting in eggs.  I am so excited and so anxious, but I am going to try to guit over-thinking this and just learn and enjoy, and hopefully have some chicks in 21 days.  Seems every question I look up has so many different opinions I decided to just sort them out and go with my instincts and try to grow and learn with this incubating chicks journey.

On another subject, the Silkie egg I am putting in incubator is my first one laid here.  You would have thought we had a new family member born (lol). 


Your incubator sounds like mine..right now I have black banties, paint Silkies, EEs, GL/Tolbunt and Muscovy.

I have more Tolbunt coming, still looking for straight GL and have 4 peafowl coming next week..

I know exactly how you feel over that 1st silkie egg..that's how I felt when these 2 Tolbunts hatched..this go round I'm ignoring my incu and hatcher completely. .I know my Temps and humidity stay even..I'll candle on day 10 and 18 and move them to the hatcher on day 18. I got way too attached to veining eggs last round..going to tell myself that they are mutt eggs and hope for the best ♡

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