poll: are you legal or an outlaw?

Quasi-legal? I'm in town but am allowed hens (no roosters). If your yard is at least 500 sq metres, you can have 3 hens. For each additional 100 sq metres you can have 1 additional hen. So I am allowed to have 5 hens....but I have 6 (chicken math!). I originally wanted 4, but brought home 6 unsexed chickens in case a couple turned out to be roos. When it became obvious that 2 were indeed roos I rehomed them....and replaced them with 2 more pullets

Coincidentally, the local bylaws are pretty hilarious in how specific they are in regards to what animals you can and cannot have on your property. For example, I am not allowed to have the following:

1.alligators, caimans, crocodiles (crocodilia);
2.apes, lemurs, gorillas and monkeys (primates); excludes humans;
3.anteaters, armadillos, and sloths (edentata);
4.badgers, polecats, otters, wolverines, weasels (mustelidae); excludes descented skunks and domestic ferrets, minks and ermines;
5.bats (chiroptera)
6.bears (carnivora);
7.beavers, porcupines, squirrels, muskrat, marmots, and gophers (rodentia); excludes domestic hamsters, guinea pigs, chinchillas, rats and mice;
8.boas and pythons (boidae);
9.cassowaries, ostriches, emus, rheas (struthioniformes);
10.cats, including lions, jaguars, cheetah, tigers, hyenas, mountain lion, lynx, bobcat, ocelot and leopard (feloidea); excludes domestic cats;
11.civets, genets, meerkat, mongooses (viverrids);
12.camel, hippopotamus, tapir, rhinoceros or hyrax (ungulata); excludes domestic goats, sheep, pigs, cattle, horses, llamas, alpacas, mules and donkeys;
13.dogs, including bush dogs, dingos, raccoon dogs, African wild dogs, coyotes, jackals, and wolves; excludes domestic dogs;
14.dolphins, porpoises and whales (cetaceans);
15.elephants, including Asian and African (proboscidae);
16.falcons, peregrines, gyrfalcons, kestrels, hawk, condor, eagle, vultures (falconiformes);
17.venomous or poisonous frogs, toads and salamanders (amphibia);
18.hares, pikas and rabbits; excludes domestic rabbits (lagomorpha);
19.hedgehogs, moles and shrews (insectivora); excludes African Pygmy Hedgehogs;
20.kangaroos, wombats, bandicoots, opossoms (marsupialia); excludes sugar gliders;
21.venomous or poisonous lizards (sauria);
22.owls (strigiformes);
23.raccoons and coatimundi (procyonids);
24.seals and walrus (pinnipedia);
25.venomous or poisonous snakes, (serpentia);
26.venomous or poisonous spiders, insects, fish and scorpions;
27.venomous or poisonous turtles, green and Hawksbill (Australia), tortoises and terrapins (chelonia);

Shucks! And I really wanted a colony of meerkats and a whale or two!

Interestingly enough, there is no limit to the number of fish you can have in outdoor fish ponds. I interpret this to mean that it is completely all right for me to operate a salmon farm in my back yard
I am half and half. I am allowed to have 4 hens, I have 14 with more on the way! I have had them for 10 years now with no complaints and I sell lots of eggs. I am zoned so I can have a farm stand oddly enough. I live in a resort town and the zoning here is weird. We are 25 miles from the nearest city limits, but even so, they are very strict here because we get a lot of city people who want to have a holiday home in the mountains and want everything to be just like in the city, only with trees and squirrels.

I also have 5 goats, which I get into a lot of trouble for. I have had them for 10 years as well. I have been fined, moved them, brought them home, met with my supervisor several times, gave him sign petitions from my neighbors, got fined again and went to court to fight it. At my hearing, the county never showed up so I won my default. I got my fine back and no one has bothered me since. LOL!!! So I am doing what I want. There is a 1/3 of an acre lot next to me that the county code enforcement has condemned and we are hoping to be able to purchase it at some point. If we can that will give us over 1/2 acre and we would then be horse legal! Also the lot next door is zoned commercial for some odd reason, so that would be great as well because they have laxer ordinances on commercial zoning.

With the way our food is currently being produced, I think everyone should be allowed to raise chickens. It is my land, I work and pay for it and I should be allowed to do what I want with it!
*evil smirk* Totally illegal.
Working to get them legal but that still won't be enough- I have waaay too many banties! Everybody's young and tiny though so they really only equal a couple grown hens right?

Working on buying a farm so maybe legal later??? Joel Salatin says that ordinances are only for people who complain; I really like that guy!

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