POLL: How much do you pay for a 50# bag of feed???

Just found a local feed store closer to me than Rural King that carries most chicken supplies. I just bought a 50 lb bag of layer crumble by Golden Farm for $12.45. I can't remember what I was paying for a 50 lb bag from Rural King. The local feed store also sells the grit and oyster shell for 50 cents a lb. Wish I could find organic feed in my area.

We get our feed from Countryside Natural in Virginia. They specialize in organic feed. Our ladies love their food! They were having a hard time eating all of the powdery stuff (I guess thats where all of the nutrients are) in the layer feed so we started wetting it in the mornings and it is working just fine.

We pay $19.30 for one 50 pound bag. The only drawback is we live in Florida so shipping costs almost as much as the feed. We think our girls are worth it!

If we get a bag every 6 weeks it comes out to about $6./week. We have seven hens and get about 30 eggs/week. Some genius out there can figure out if we are getting a good deal as compared to store bought organic free-range eggs. I think it's great! And we get seven lovely pets!

I pay $12 for Purina Layena and $9 for Purina Chicken Scratch. These are for 50 lb. bags. Can't get anything organic around here in South Texas. I live out in the boondocks anyways. I try to feed my ladies green scraps from the garden and fruit.
Du Mor 16% protein feed is $10.59 at the Charlotte TSC store.

At the co-op, 100# costs about the same.

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