*POLL*What do you consider too much money for a chick ?

*POLL* Would you pay "top dollar" for a chick? If so, what would be your limit?

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This is why I don’t order from hatcheries, first it’s way to expensive second, you’re going to get a bird that may not be to the standard, I under stand they put the price for shipping the bird in the price but still, it’s almost $7 per bantam chick. I would never pay more than $5 a chick (even if it’s pure bred) because chicks are fragile and anything could happen to it. If the breed was really rare or really good quality I could see why the prices would be more expensive. If I knew for sure the chicks came from a good line then I would possibly consider buying priceier birds. Unfortunately I’ve seen people sell chicks that are terrible quality (silkies mostly) for $25 a chick. Then you’ve got the people who have NO idea what they’re selling but say it’s this breed but really not and have an absolute ridiculous price slapped on the bird.

I can see selling birds at $5-$100, maybe more, depending on the breed, quality, and availability. I myself sell bantam pairs for $20, roosters $5 a peace, bantam hens $15 a peace and my chicks range from $2-$5 depending on the breed.
Like modern game bantam sell for $60 per bird-$200 a pair, that’s just what I have seen.
Having paid many $1000s for a horse I am hardly one to make a comment, but my best horses were the ones I paid $100 for 😁

But I did pay $9 a chick for 4 chicks I shoved under my broody old hen Sophia.

I also paid $13 a pullet for 3 Azur Blues in a moment of weakness 🥰 have to say I love them they are a hoot.
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The most I ever paid for a CHICK was $20. That was for a 100% pullet auto sexing Opal Legbar chick. Their quality was ok but it was my first chickens I got and I didn’t want to deal with a cockerel. Plus I adore their colors and their funny crest.
I am currently eyeing up a gorgeous pair of standard bred cornish bantams for $200 from a very well known breeder. It pains me for the price of them but I would so do it to be able to own good quality Cornish bantams.
I don't raise Ayam Cemanis, but if I did I might pay $20-25 for a chick that has a black tongue, black toes, etc. It really depends on the breed.
I by all means don’t mean to step on anyones toes.
The Ayam Cemanis trend is over rated to me. If you really wanted a bird just like an Ayam get a Silkie. It has the black skin, black tongue ect. Idk, I guess I never understood why people got so crazy about the breed and are willing to pay the $25-$30 a chick.

I hope this is ok, someone on my local Craigslist is stating they have bantam Ayam Cemanis, the funny thing is these little birds are obviously mixed with sebright and who know what and are wanting $100 for what looks to be 3 roosters.

I think it’s kind funny looking through Craigslist and seeing what peopl say they’re chickens are but really it’s not what they say.
I bought my AC mixView attachment 3706800 pullet as a pullet for 40$
I added the photo to explain the price a bit. She is sooo pretty!
Chickens with black skin and combs are beautiful and unusual looking. They are always a conversation starter. I had AC but bobcat ate them. Now I order Mystic onyx from Hoovers. They are lovely, mostly black including comb, a good size, some crested and sweet disposition. Al in all beautiful chickens.
I by all means don’t mean to step on anyones toes.
The Ayam Cemanis trend is over rated to me. If you really wanted a bird just like an Ayam get a Silkie. It has the black skin, black tongue ect. Idk, I guess I never understood why people got so crazy about the breed and are willing to pay the $25-$30 a chick.

I hope this is ok, someone on my local Craigslist is stating they have bantam Ayam Cemanis, the funny thing is these little birds are obviously mixed with sebright and who know what and are wanting $100 for what looks to be 3 roosters.
View attachment 3706824

I think it’s kind funny looking through Craigslist and seeing what peopl say they’re chickens are but really it’s not what they say.
I find people who sell chickens locally are well meaning, but misinformed. If I see Ameraucana chicks, thy are probably EE. They have been told this and relay the misinformation to local buyers who also know no better. They assume any black combed chick is AC because they have been told it is so. I really doubt they are out to scam, but I certainly don't rule it out. It pays to know what a breed looks like and be able to sex it before you buy.

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