*POLL*What do you consider too much money for a chick ?

*POLL* Would you pay "top dollar" for a chick? If so, what would be your limit?

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It is very different in the UK, when I decided I wanted some chickens, I searched online for the breed I wanted and found a place approx 75 mile from where I live. This was a known breeder selling 16 week old pullets for £22.50 ($30.77), which was a tad more than I had bargained for, so I bought an incubator and hatched my own birds & yes I totally agree, hatching and rearing your own birds is great fun and a wonderful learning curve. Looking back I don't think the quoted price was too high, after all when done properly there is an awful lot of care and attention to detail when hatching and raising chicks.
I guess at the end of the day it all boils down to supply and demand !
@MIAMI LEGHORN I see how we got confused. Your title and poll question are different.

Do you mean chicks or chickens?
I've paid $300++ for a single rooster at times, occasionally I'll find a hen or the same breeds for around $25, but usually around $50


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It depend on what a person wants.
What one is willing and ready to pay.
Super rare breed to make your own chicks to sell? I remember when Ayam Cemani were selling for $5000 and people were buying them.
Avid collector of rare colors?
Hopeful exhibitor of show chickens?
Not another chick around for 100 miles or any way of getting one and this is the only one.
Totally enamored with its lovely personality and soulful eyes.
Buying with the belief that high price means high quality and superb health.
Your best buddy had a horrid accident and can no long care for chickens.
In this case it would be a compassionate donation rather than buying chickens.
Personally with my experience, a chicken is a chicken. Some I lust for, others are simply beautiful, but at the end of the day, they are as susceptible to predation, accident, aggression and disease as barnyard mixes.
I buy eggs of rare breeds and specialty birds and what hatches, hatches.
Most of my flock are purebreds of breeds I particularly like and pretty mixes.
My birds are raised for eggs and eye candy, but are enjoyed on an individual basis, since they are all different.
BTW, my avatar (RIP) was a mix of Lemoncuckoo Niederrheiner and a lavender EE. He was big and unique and beautiful.
I'm guilty of being that person more often than not. Luckily they won't guarantee live arrival to my zip code so I won't risk that amount there. Otherwise I would be ordering nearly every time they had a new arrival I liked
Same. That's why we have an AC cross in the first place. She looked so pretty, I was honestly obsessed. She literally sparkles (her feathers), lol.

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