Poop board convert *warning-graphic/gross poop pictures*

I am so floored at this idea. My fiance and I are still in the way early stages of planning for chickens, hopefully by next spring. I've been going over and over and over different websites, looking for the cleanest most cost effective way.

I had been leaning towards the rotation idea where you put the cleanest bedding in the nesting boxes first and then rotated outward until it makes it to your compost bin. But I am SO Glad I ran into this thread before I purchased a coop. I could only make it to page 22 before I realized it would take me days to absorb all of the information here.

I'm not sure if any stores around me carry PDZ but I did some searching and it's available fairly cheaply through Amazon. And with the length of time it seems to last, I think it's feasible and probably more cost-effective to go the online route.

We are planning on only having a FEW chickens in the 3-5 range since we do not have the property or yard space to incorporate a huge chicken coop. I'm happy to go with something small but it seems like most people here have some gigantic flocks.
I'm worried about the smells offending my neighbors coming from a coop with only a couple chickens, I can't imagine what it must be like with 40 or 50. But I think if this PDZ stuff can make a coop that large stay fresh, it can probably handle just a couple chickens.

I am so nervous and scared about upsetting the neighbors, and I want to be as considerate as possible.

But thanks to this thread I think I have the answer to the coop!

I know I haven't read the thread entirely yet so this may have been answered already, but does anyone use this for chicks too?

Also, I'd be super grateful if anyone can point me in a direction towards finding out about keeping the chicken run clean and the smell down. I see a ton of information about coops, and not so much about the run.
My girls are only 9 weeks old and I use PDZ. It's generic is zeolite, It is used to freshen horse stalls and another brand name is Horse Fresh. Most feed stores can order for you. If you have it shipped you will pay a ton for shipping.

I only have 3 girls (hens) and I use it. Myself and many others on BYC use it mixed in with Pine Shavings and Diatomaeous Earth (food grade) in our runs as well. I, too, have a small backyard space and neighbors that are very close. I am not having any problems with smell. And as long as you don't get a rooster you don't really have to worry about noise.

You are wise to research first. This web site is so very helpful and everyone is so friendly. Just "search" anything you want to know about and spend the time reading. It really helps. My hubby & I built our coop after I did a lot of research and I'm really glad. It helped to know how to build the coop for convenience and safety of the girls.

Also, ask any question you can think of to other chicken keepers here on BYC and they'll either answer or give you the link to find the answer. Everyone is great, you'll see!


I am so floored at this idea. My fiance and I are still in the way early stages of planning for chickens, hopefully by next spring. I've been going over and over and over different websites, looking for the cleanest most cost effective way.

I had been leaning towards the rotation idea where you put the cleanest bedding in the nesting boxes first and then rotated outward until it makes it to your compost bin. But I am SO Glad I ran into this thread before I purchased a coop. I could only make it to page 22 before I realized it would take me days to absorb all of the information here.

I'm not sure if any stores around me carry PDZ but I did some searching and it's available fairly cheaply through Amazon. And with the length of time it seems to last, I think it's feasible and probably more cost-effective to go the online route.

We are planning on only having a FEW chickens in the 3-5 range since we do not have the property or yard space to incorporate a huge chicken coop. I'm happy to go with something small but it seems like most people here have some gigantic flocks. I'm worried about the smells offending my neighbors coming from a coop with only a couple chickens, I can't imagine what it must be like with 40 or 50. But I think if this PDZ stuff can make a coop that large stay fresh, it can probably handle just a couple chickens.

I am so nervous and scared about upsetting the neighbors, and I want to be as considerate as possible.

But thanks to this thread I think I have the answer to the coop!

I know I haven't read the thread entirely yet so this may have been answered already, but does anyone use this for chicks too?

Also, I'd be super grateful if anyone can point me in a direction towards finding out about keeping the chicken run clean and the smell down. I see a ton of information about coops, and not so much about the run.
Hello Ixyavi! Welcome to BYC.
You're gonna love it!

Ok. Just a couple of thoughts. The PDZ for sale on Amazon is through a different seller and you will be whacked with high shipping charges. You are out west so it shouldn't be a problem finding a PDZ source. The Sweet PDZ
website has info, too.


They are really helpful when you call and will look for the closest seller for you. You could also contact Bear River Zeolite. Their granular is coarser, though. It's gray, instead of sand-colored and would do well on the poop boards.

My run is contractor sand (lots of little pebbles and that's a good thing) with diatomaceous earth. I just sift out the droppings with a kitty litter scoop. May add zeolite as that knocks down 90% of the smell. (neutralizes ammonia).

My coop floor is the same as Donna Lynn's with the pine shavings, DE and zeolite.

Remember...they are chickens and they are little poop machines, so there will be a bit of smell when you're close by before you've cleaned but the neighbors won't notice a thing. (but I have 19 birds)

I keep my coop floor and my run clean and that keeps the smell down. Part of the run should be covered against rain or snow, part open to sunlight. Give them a corner with material to dust bathe. They love that and it decreases the likelihood of mites or lice.

I transitioned through the rotation method you mentioned but poop board/boxes are the ticket. The word is out.
It's true! I actually enjoy cleaning the coop the now. The run is a little tougher because I have to bend over..but there are long-handled kitty litter scoops for sale, too.

Enjoy your discovery journey. It's so much fun.

That is Just so Gross . I can not believe you would show scooped poop.... Great Idea and love it thanks When i get to move to bigger place i plan on making everything bigger. Tammy
Yes. We'll cross that 'snow bridge' when we come to it.....
Maybe I misunderstood something in your post, but it seems you are "living in an apartment setting?" Just curious....

Bending over in the run to clean up the poop in the run ( I do it in the morning before I let everybody out of the coop) is my not-so-fun part of chicken chores. It does stink somewhat in the run because they are out there all day under the sky and there is a build up. I learned early on it is so important to keep the droppings in their environment to a minimum against coccidiosis, so I clean, clean and clean. If I had a hundred chickens I would be a chicken farmer and not the egg-benefited hobbyist that I am.

I think your kitty litter shovel Idea is great! :) Like I said, there is a long-handled kitty litter shovel available for a nasty price of twenty some bugs. Think I'll make one...and save my back while sifting the sand in the run.

PS: It's going to be interesting to see how your cats do with chickies!

This looks like the most sturdy long-handled kitty litter sifter out there. Could be a back-saver. I still think one could rig something up DIY 'for cheap' if a person got inventive.

I was thinking about wrapping one of these with some 1/4" hardware cloth...

I made something similar using 1/2" hardware cloth... but the smaller dried poo falls through that and the larger wetter poo breaks up and falls through when you give it a little shake to sift the bedding out. Works great for sifting rocks out of dirt though.
Yes. We'll cross that 'snow bridge' when we come to it.....
Maybe I misunderstood something in your post, but it seems you are "living in an apartment setting?" Just curious....

Bending over in the run to clean up the poop in the run ( I do it in the morning before I let everybody out of the coop) is my not-so-fun part of chicken chores. It does stink somewhat in the run because they are out there all day under the sky and there is a build up. I learned early on it is so important to keep the droppings in their environment to a minimum against coccidiosis, so I clean, clean and clean. If I had a hundred chickens I would be a chicken farmer and not the egg-benefited hobbyist that I am.

I think your kitty litter shovel Idea is great! :) Like I said, there is a long-handled kitty litter shovel available for a nasty price of twenty some bugs. Think I'll make one...and save my back while sifting the sand in the run.

PS: It's going to be interesting to see how your cats do with chickies!
I'm living in an apartment at the moment yes but this is the last month. My fiance and I are closing on a house right now, we actually go to sign the papers in a few days!

We will have everything moved in by October first but it'll take some time to get settled. So no chickies until closer to spring.

One of my cat's is pretty well socialized and incredibly mellow. His best friend was a small bunny rabbit for a while. My youngest cat though is pretty adventurous and gutsy. They're strictly indoor cats though so they wont really get to play with the chickens once they are older. While they're growing in the house I've already planned on securing them in the spare room and locking the cats out. I trust my older kitty a lot, but he's never been tempted by tasty little birdies before, and the less stress on the chicks the better.

I'm actually planning on composting so I'm hoping it wont be too much of a chore in the morning to quickly rake out the run.

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