Poop board convert *warning-graphic/gross poop pictures*

I love how easy it is to clean up under the roost with the PDZ!! So wonderful.

Thank you, Trish!!

I wish I could put it in the whole coop. Has anyone tried that? My LF roost but my silkies poop all over the floor.

I love how easy it is to clean up under the roost with the PDZ!! So wonderful.

Thank you, Trish!!

I wish I could put it in the whole coop. Has anyone tried that? My LF roost but my silkies poop all over the floor.


It would work good but if you have a large coop it would be expensive
I use pine shavings and so far I have not found anything better.

People who have small coops are using it though and very happy.

So glad you are loving the PDZ

You know, I've been using hardwood fuel pellets, that I soak and break down into sawdust... It doesn't seem extraordinarily dusty... I wonder if hardwood sawdust is heavier than pine sawdust, and if that's the difference. I only have the 7 hens, but I spend all of 10 minutes at the coop each morning for maintenance... That includes feeding, watering, cleaning the coop, putting all my "tools" away, and collecting any eggs that were laid before I got out there.

Looks great! I want to do something similar with the PDZ in the whole coop too. Great set up.
It would work good but if you have a large coop it would be expensive
I use pine shavings and so far I have not found anything better.

People who have small coops are using it though and very happy.

So glad you are loving the PDZ


Yes, I suppose it would be expensive... My coop is only 6 x 8 so not too large, but I guess it would take 6 bags. Not too bad.

I wonder how long it would last? Any thoughts on that?

Thanks again, Trish!
It is SOOOO easy to clean and no odor.
It would work good but if you have a large coop it would be expensive
I use pine shavings and so far I have not found anything better.

People who have small coops are using it though and very happy.

So glad you are loving the PDZ


I can't remember if you live on a large property, but what do you do with the pine shavings when you clean out the whole coop? Do you use them as mulch at all? I've bagged mine for the lawn waste pickup. I'm afraid it's too "hot" to use under plants. ???
I love the PDZ idea. I'll have to check that out. Trying to figure out where I can put that in our greenhouse-now-converted-to-chicken-coop.

Also, for all y'all up north who don't have a heated chicken waterer, or for the occasional cold snap below freezing (can you tell I'm from Houston where a freeze in winter is a big deal!), you can try adding a wee bit of honey to the water. I got that from a marathon runner friend. Just a little changes the temp at which water freezes..

Ohhh...that's good. I will definitely try it
I can't remember if you live on a large property, but what do you do with the pine shavings when you clean out the whole coop? Do you use them as mulch at all? I've bagged mine for the lawn waste pickup. I'm afraid it's too "hot" to use under plants. ???

I put it under my plants in the winter only. By the time the ground thaws it won't be hot anymore and everything gets a good fertilizing. The rest of the year I bag it and throw it away. Sometimes I use it to fill holes the chickens make dustbathing
I put it under my plants in the winter only. By the time the ground thaws it won't be hot anymore and everything gets a good fertilizing. The rest of the year I bag it and throw it away. Sometimes I use it to fill holes the chickens make dustbathing

Ha ha about the pot holes!

Thanks for the mulch tips. And I really LOVE my roost and PDZ shelf!
I can't remember if you live on a large property, but what do you do with the pine shavings when you clean out the whole coop? Do you use them as mulch at all? I've bagged mine for the lawn waste pickup. I'm afraid it's too "hot" to use under plants. ???

If you have room to do it, compost! You are throwing away wonderful compost. When done properly, compost has very little odor, and just smells earthy to me. There are a ton of threads about composting chicken litter/waste here on BYC. :)

You are right though-- raw poos would be too hot in terms of nitrogen to use under plants straight out of the coop. You need to compost/cook/mature it first. :)

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