Poop board convert *warning-graphic/gross poop pictures*

I have heard of folks using Stall Dry, so I asume it is the same as Sweet
Stall dry is the same premise (safe, controls odors and absorbtion), but different ingredients. Stall dry uses food grade diatomaceous earth. Sweet PDZ doesn't. Stall dry is safe for chickens, and when I first had my coop I used it on my poop board (I have horses so had it on hand.) I have since switched over to Sweet PDZ, the granule kind...I just prefer it for the poop board. I still use Stall Dry to sprinkle in my coop and run, and in my dust baths for the chickens as the diatomaceous earth (DE) helps to control mites. It MUST be FOOD GRADE though....which is what Stall Dry contains.
Thanks I will order some today. Quite a heat wave we are getting isn't it?
You are welcome. Make sure you specify the granular type. Yes it is going to be a hot humid week. Stay cool
I was just thinking of installing a droppings board for my coop, and was trying to figure out how deep they need to be. So I started reading this thread. I got all the way to the page 23 before I realized that this goes on for 95 pages! I don't have all day.

My coop is tiny, so I will need to downsize a little. I'm going to try propping up a boot tray under one half of the roost, and see how that works. It's only about an inch deep, so that could be an issue, but I'll give it a try and see what happens. I already have to boot tray, i just have to install something to support it under the roost.

I'm going out now to buy some shelf supports and the Sweet PDZ and give it a try.

Thanks for all of you who have contributed to this thread! Awesome ideas!
I have a poop board with less than 1 inch of PDZ and it doesn't seem to be a problem. I only have 4 hens so maybe it would be an issue if I had more. The roost is about 3 feet wide but the 4 hens always sleep on the same half of the roost and usually all in the same direction (based on the distribution of poop).

I do lose a little bit of PDZ every morning when I scoop out the poop but have been wondering if I need to replace all of the PDZ at a certain interval or just fill to replace lost PDZ?
Here is my poop board setup! So far I have been unable to get my chickens to get on them at night. I only have four (three bantam cochins and a serama) but I have had to pick them all up from a cuddle pile on the floor, and put them on the roosts every night. Any advice on getting them to use it on their own? You can see that I have one quite low so they could get on that one first, and then hop onto the other one to be higher. I didn't think it was chicken rocket science, but they are not "getting it".

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Yor coop interior is lovely!

I have a similar set up with only one higher roost. I have a ramp for them to climb....maybe you could do something like that temporarily until they get the swing of it?

here's a pic of mine. Forgive the poop, I took the picture to show someone how much poop they generate in one night!
Sure am reconsidering my roosting area since seeing this. Mine is taking up way too much space in their pen and I think this would be much better for me AND them. I have several birds and need more space for them. Just sure hope hubby understands when I tell him I need to do this one instead since we already have the other one made. ;-) Anyway I can reuse some of their roost now on this one. This sure would be easier on my old back that's for sure and much less work and time as well.
If one has 20 chickens I wonder IF they could do the board wider and put two roost poles on it? Then how wide apart would the poles need to be to keep them from pooping on the other ones? I really really like this idea!!!! I saw where someone used wafer board to make theirs with. I'd have to cover it with plastic or something though.

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