Poop board convert *warning-graphic/gross poop pictures*

One thing I would highly recommend is to set your roost boards (even limbs) in a "u-shaped" hanger of sorts so that you can easily remove the roost to do a deep cleaning every so-many months. By screwing or nailing your roosts into the wall they are somewhat permanent...just FYI. :yiipchick

And if you get below freezing, set up the perches so that they perch on the four inch wide side. :D
And if you get below freezing, set up the perches so that they perch on the four inch wide side.
Absolutely, Alaskan!! If you use 2x4's for their roosts, ALways set the lumber in it's "flattest" position. Chickens need that extra width..why? Because they can actually 'rest' their feet. Chickens feet aren't designed to 'grip' a roost. Plus in cold weather they lay their bodies over their feet to keep 'em warm!!
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What I have found to work well for shifting of the poop board is a metal colander (for draining vegetables) the holes are big enough to let the sand or PDZ fall through but holds onto even the little poos. I use a dustpan to scoop up a load of PDZ and dump it into the colander, swish it around a bit and only poop is left, dump and repeat. I clean my poop board about every 2-3 days and it only takes a few minutes. The. Kitty limiter scoop may work okay when my chicks get bigger and poop bigger but right now at 5weeks, everything was falling right through.
It's a mesh organizer basket that I got an office supply store....and a standard gardening hoe with the handle cut off to about 16 ".

Is construction sand larger than granulated PDZ? Because PDZ goes thru it just fine.
My bad! From the pics and previous posts I was thinking construction sand....eek!

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