Poop board convert *warning-graphic/gross poop pictures*

What do you use for poop board for floor of coop? Or do you just have the shelves?
We are trying to figure our poop board for floor of coop and are stuck
Here's an excellent example of a roost bar and poop tray setup.

If you use PDZ in the poop tray believe me, your cleanup time will be a dream! Love that stuff!!
It's a very fine sand that absorbs the smell, in Canada they don't carry PDZ but it's Stall Boy or stable boy. It works great!! I would have it all over my coop floor too if it wasn't 90sq ft and $15 a bag lol
Not my coop...dunno! But if I were to venture a guess it's a chicken "feed block"...I've seen them before....would give hours of pecking fun for chickens I would think.
Not my coop...dunno! But if I were to venture a guess it's a chicken "feed block"...I've seen them before....would give hours of pecking fun for chickens I would think.

That's what it is duck's like them to it's hard for them to peck it thow.
Thanks for the great idea! coop is built, roosts and trays are up, loving the clean up! my roosts are approx 3 inches above the poop trays (due to room, the one at the back is about 3" from the bottom of the tray, the one on the right is I think 3.5 or 4 inches off) and my boards are 17 and 20 inches wide. We'll see how well the 17 inch one works (the one on the side), that one we may have to make bigger, but my husband didn't want to buy another sheet of plywood, I told him we could try it and see if it works ok, if not, we'll be buying another sheet of plywood. (so far so good though) the roost at the back is about 20 inches off the ground. I blocked off the nesting boxes as it will be awhile yet. Here 3 the girls are on the edge of the poop tray, but they settle on the roost at night. They were fighting over the lower roost, now they fight over the upper one :/ Thank you for this thread and idea!


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