Poop board convert *warning-graphic/gross poop pictures*

I love this idea.
I'm just planing my coop and I'm going to use it. it sounds much better and easier than the bare poop boards i was going to uses. I have to make a coop because the little coop my 2 chickens are living in can only hold 3 chickens max, and I'm getting some more chickens at the end of the month.
I am wondering what those of you who are using PDZ to cover the whole floor on smaller coops are thinking of it? Any problems? Are you still using it or did you change and if so why??

I'm using PDZ in poop trays in my two larger coops already and love it. We are in the process of setting up a smaller 4 x 4 coop with an exterior nest box and I'm wondering if PDZ covering the floor is a good idea or not. I read someone here did it and their chickens looked like ghosts the next morning! lol Once they get used to it I wonder if they continue to dust bath in it as much or not. Also wondering how well it works in the winter with the chickens coming in with wet snow on their feet.

So please tell me your experience with using PDZ over the whole floor in smaller coops.

Thanks much!!
I am wondering what those of you who are using PDZ to cover the whole floor on smaller coops are thinking of it? Any problems? Are you still using  it or did you change and if so why??

I'm using PDZ in poop trays in my two larger coops already and love it. We are in the process of setting up a smaller 4 x 4 coop with an exterior nest box and I'm wondering if PDZ covering the floor is a good idea or not. I read someone here did it and their chickens looked like ghosts the next morning! lol Once they get used to it I wonder if they continue to dust bath in it as much or not. Also wondering how well it works in the winter with the chickens coming in with wet snow on their feet. 

So please tell me your experience with using PDZ over the whole floor in smaller coops.

Thanks much!!

Casie D, good question. I have also been wondering if PDZ would be good to put new chicks on in their brooder. The last thing down the road that I want to learn is set it somehow bad for their lungs or their legs. But if it's alright for them, then that would solve the issue of sanitation and getting all that baby poop out easily. It would probably help reduce the incidence of coccidiosis.
I am wondering what those of you who are using PDZ to cover the whole floor on smaller coops are thinking of it? Any problems? Are you still using it or did you change and if so why??

I'm using PDZ in poop trays in my two larger coops already and love it. We are in the process of setting up a smaller 4 x 4 coop with an exterior nest box and I'm wondering if PDZ covering the floor is a good idea or not. I read someone here did it and their chickens looked like ghosts the next morning! lol Once they get used to it I wonder if they continue to dust bath in it as much or not. Also wondering how well it works in the winter with the chickens coming in with wet snow on their feet.

So please tell me your experience with using PDZ over the whole floor in smaller coops.

Thanks much!!

I was so excited to use the PDZ in the coop we're building that I went out and got a bag to use in my current coop. Uhhhhg...... in theory it was an Awesome Idea, Buuuut that idea lasted one day and one night only. I put the PDZ on the poo tray in the coop so when the Chix/Pullets went to bed it'd be there for me to start poo scoopin in the mornin. Well...when I went out to let them down in the mornin and peeked in, there was a layer of dust on Everything!!! A film in the waterer, a film on the top of the feed, and after they went up and down the ramp through out the day the dew had made their feet wet and uhhhg. I scooped the poo, and removed almost all of the PDZ and saved it for down the road in the new coop on Real Poop Boards. Granted there was no smell and it was sooo easy to scoop the poo...the dust on everything was not for me. Just my feedback...hope it helps~

Below is a photo of my current coop,

Casie D & Cheryl,

I'm using it with my 8 1/2 week old hens in the granular form. It's still pretty small but not so dusty. I put it under my roost and I mix it with DE and pine shavings everywhere else. It's working great!

Hi again DL !

Thanks for responding. Yes. My 'gut' tells me to wait and not put newborns right on the stuff. They are always 'kicking up the dust' and are so close to the ground. I think I will stick to the pine shavings and DE on the floor.( If I can get my hands on the powdered PDZ I will mix some of that with the pine shaving and DE on the floor) (I have a walk-in coop) Will keep zeolite (PDZ) granules mixed with DE under the roost on the elevated poop board. This seems to be what works best for me. The girls seem to like the pine shavings and it doesn't kick up the same measure of dust that the PDZ does. Only once have a found a bird having a dust-bath in the PDZ. If they started doing that I would cover the poop board/box with 2" X 3 " hardwire. Saw that in another thread somewhere.

I like the granular but I will say the DE is pretty dusty. I still put it out b/c I don't want the girls to get mites and lice. Ewww!

Dealing with lice right now I am. A TON of work. If you ever get lice, get back to me on it. I've done the research quite thoroughly and in my mind, at least, I have sorted out the inconsistencies in both information and treatment. In my trial and error I inadvertently treated for worms and mites as well!! so.....although they are no longer considered
'organic girls', they are well-covered for awhile. Today they are "well-covered" with poultry dust for the lice and look like little casper the ghosts.

Just an aside: the lice they have are non blood-sucking and so the source is either the roo I added in a couple of months ago or wild birds in my open to the sky run. SO....I want to cover that run to eliminate that possible source. The roo is getting the "works" along the other 18 girls. Like I said...a ton of work!.

The reason I wanted a little powdered PDZ in with the shavings is that it will have a chance to coat the poop. With the granular the PDZ just falls through the shavings to the floor.
I heard that putting apple cider vinegar in their water helps with parasite issues. About a tablespoon per gallon. Try that and see if helps prevent further breakouts. Also, the food grade DE is supposed to help prevent mites & lice when mixed in with pine shavings and PDZ. I dust it around the entire coop & run, inside and out. I know that stuff falls through the shavings but I try to keep it mixed up with my rake.

I only have three chicks so I don't have the work you do. I hope things get better soon.

Just curious, are you doing deep litter method? I am but I don't how well it will work. Guess we'll see...

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