Poop everywhere!


Chicken Tender
8 Years
Jun 24, 2011
King George, VA
My Coop
My Coop
We only have a small property, slightly less than an acre of land. I've been letting my 15 chickens freerange and now there is poop everywhere! With summer coming and the backyard being for everyone - how can I have the layers I love without everyone getting upset over stepping in poop! How do you manage the poop load in a small backyard flock?

I was thinking I could divide up their outer run and let half grow grass and veggies for them like pumpkins. Then next year they would free range that side and I could build up the other side for food source. By that still seems like such a small area for them. I like letting them have free range of the yard. :/

Another option I guess would be to put up temporary garden fencing and manage them in just one area of the yard.

Help me please to figure out some options before flip flop season is here.
I think you are right about needing to fence it off. I guess now I need to figure out the cheapest way. I can use my property fence for one wall, but I will still need to put something in place along the other sides.

Their outer run is 4' garden stakes and 2x4 welded wire covered by aviary netting. But that was all pretty expensive. I'm wondering if there isn't a cheaper route since it doesn't need to keep out predators just keep out kids and keep in chickens.
I put my chickens in my far back yard in the summer.I hate the poop all over and the smell,so off they go. I set up a lean-to,food,water,and a nest box.I would guide them in the am,and at dusk they would be waiting by the fence for me to let them out,and they would go straight to the coop.

I fenced it off with 4 foot plastc fencing and T posts.You can use 6 foot bamboo poles and zip ties too. I used to get 6 poles for $1.Gosh, I wish I had bought more.The poles are useful.Plastic fencing was from lowes and was 4 by 50 for $10,but now I see it for $20.Plastic fencing is far easier to work with. I have had it up for 2 years.The black lasted better than the thicker green one I bought. I might have a pic.Let me look.

I also have just under an acre,and my entire property has a 6 foot chain link fence. I like to create *rooms* or areas in the yard for different activites. I have the camp ground,playground,pool,pond,chicken area,and so on.
I put my chickens in my far back yard in the summer.I hate the poop all over and the smell,so off they go. I set up a lean-to,food,water,and a nest box.I would guide them in the am,and at dusk they would be waiting by the fence for me to let them out,and they would go straight to the coop.

I fenced it off with 4 foot plastc fencing and T posts.You can use 6 foot bamboo poles and zip ties too. I used to get 6 poles for $1.Gosh, I wish I had bought more.The poles are useful.Plastic fencing was from lowes and was 4 by 50 for $10,but now I see it for $20.Plastic fencing is far easier to work with. I have had it up for 2 years.The black lasted better than the thicker green one I bought. I might have a pic.Let me look.

 I also have just under an acre,and my entire property has a 6 foot chain link fence. I like to create *rooms* or areas in the yard for different activites. I have the camp ground,playground,pool,pond,chicken area,and so on.

That sounds like a smart idea. :)
We have a small back yard, and yep there is poop, but what we do may sound Stupid but We pick It up .yep after a nice day out we lock them up about one hour to being dark and pick up the days lea poop. Our yard is nice, clean and ready for us to sit out there the next day ad enjoy them. We put up a fence across the. Yard to keep them from going into my tomatoe garden and this year to keep them from my lettuce and other goodies. Last year we found them more then once eat ing on the tomatoes , this year we will be doing chicen wire. And much taller. Half the yard for them, half the yard for my garden, a win win ! I refuse to have stinky poo in my yard lol, if it's there it's. Gone by bed time. If its soft we actually hose it into the grass, you ought to see my grass.... Beautiful. Never a smell!
I let my girls roam in the evenings and there is no loss of poop in our yard either. Its greening up and I sure the grass will need it and help decompose it a little quicker than a brown winter yard. If you just have to, fence an area off but the concentrated poop in that area will kill off the vegetation quickly. I have a permanant run area attached to the coop that is about 40X60 but I still let the girls out to clean up the pest bugs.

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