Poop Hammock Rocks!!

This brings out the question and I thought I'd ask it here first before opening a new thread. After cleaning the hammock I was left with all this nice poo in a bucket. We don't have a composter but would like to use the poo as fertilizer. What do you do with poo without adding it to compost?
Funny.....I'm doing the same thing with my feed sacks...adds a little color to the interior as well. Thought I was being original when I came up with that idea, feed sack montage.:lau Anyway, I finally got around to make the girls a poop hammock yesterday. I took two 2x2s and ripped them right down the middle on the table saw. Didn't have a feed sack available at the moment so I took an army green tarp, cut it to size, laid it between the 2 halves and screwed it together. Repeated on the other end with the other two halves. I put hooks on each end and 4 in the coop and hung it below the roost. So I waited until the coop needed cleaning to do this. I cleaned all the shavings out and wiped everything down. Hung a new waterer and took out the ramp to their roost. They are 16 weeks old now and don't need the ramp. They were happily running around the yard being chickens. Then evening arrived and the first one went in the coop and turned around and came right back out. One by one the all did the same thing.:lau I finally got them in and they huddled up on the floor like they were little chicks again. Checked them at dark and they were still huddled so I picked them up and put them on the roost. They all pulled their skirts up and looked at that horrible aberration under their roost, clucking their disapproval. We'll see what tonight brings. By the way, I was shocked at the amount of poo 3 chickens put out in one night!!!!
Very cool! Funny that your babies were scared of their new digs! Do you have to stoop down to get to the poop?
I would have to see a picture, but I am thinking that, as you said, a really big one, with several sacks sewn together, might do the trick. It's definitely worth trying to work out. I just think the poopie hammocks are wonderful. So easy to scoop out every morning, easy on the back...no stooping to pick it up off the floor, and greatly reduces the smell. And as you said, you are looking at a LOT of poopies in your future!
Thank you i have to take a photo and try to send it to you . Its one long roost about 10 feet long. I'm going to ck it for sure get back to you.
Quote: The coop is a converted raised dog kennel we have had for 27 years. So I open one of the side panels to scoop poop. Not the handiest set up but worth it. I have the hammock filled with Sweet PDZ. Going to see if I can scoop every 3 days or so.......

The second night they roosted on the edge of the hammock so last night lowered the front edge about 6 inches and voila, they flew right up on the roost!
I would have to see a picture, but I am thinking that, as you said, a really big one, with several sacks sewn together, might do the trick. It's definitely worth trying to work out. I just think the poopie hammocks are wonderful. So easy to scoop out every morning, easy on the back...no stooping to pick it up off the floor, and greatly reduces the smell. And as you said, you are looking at a LOT of poopies in your future!

This is what I was talking about for the chicks roost. We fixed it on a pivot system so I can pick up and tie it so it will be out of my way to clean under it. Am wondering WHAT I would hook the back one to and then the front one would hook to the front or close to the bottom steps. BUT then unless I add a longer chain to the back all the poop would be at the bottom which I don't guess would be sooo bad. Would be easier to get out I guess since it would fall down to the bottom huh? ;-)

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