Porcelain d'uccle thread

I tried to raise porcelain d'uccles from TSC all spring and didn't have any luck. Finally found a breeding pair and now I am raising my own porcelain chicks! These are booted Bantams but hope to have some Belgian Bearded ones soon!
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The girl is a duccle, she has a beard. :) i got one from tsc before and she did poorly but sugar in the water and dipping her beak in it helped her pull through.
They are now just getting their adult feathers.

Need to get more photos of the hens soon.

Misty, personally, I would look for a better Rooster, specially if you want to breed d'Uccles.
How about these? I got Minx and Jinx on April 22, 2014. They are pretty much fully grown now and one of them has started laying surprisingly. -shrugs- could have been a week old when i got them. Their feathers are cream and a little bit of white with blue mostly on their tail feathers.



These pics were taken on june 21,2014. ^-^ I need to post a newer one. Well so far my bantam hens are very sweet and quiet. The black one is Eros my banty rooster. Then I have two plymouth rock hens and I think the older "ladies" Ruby, and Rainbow might be commets.... Really not sure. And one more; my other rooster, the road island red "Roo". It was the ladies who kinda shied away from me taking a picture.
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Hey Im new to raising chickens. The lady i buy my bantys from.says (eagle) pictured below is a D'anver. But she has feathers on her legs like the d'uccles? Any help would be awesome!

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