Porcelain d'uccle thread

I tried to raise porcelain d'uccles from TSC all spring and didn't have any luck. Finally found a breeding pair and now I am raising my own porcelain chicks! These are booted Bantams but hope to have some Belgian Bearded ones soon!
Hi Mistyhollow! I was wondering if by chance you sold/shipped hatching eggs from your porcelain duccles? I just came across this breed/coloring and fell in love. I just gave to have one added to my feather footed backyard flock! :)
Here is my Porcelain D'uccle at 4 month olds, really tamed and friendly, but now he's 8 month olds. I breed him to one of my white frizzle and my Mille Fleur D'uccle. My Mille Fleur D'uccle hen hatch with no luck of porcelain and my frizzle just went broody about 1 week ago. I am still looking for a Porcelain D'uccle hen, so I could get the Porcelain genes to breed into my project of frizzle Mille Fleur and Porcelain color.

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Everyone says they are so sweet and friendly....my three have been the complete opposite
absolutely gorgeous but the hen is flighty and horribly nervous and attacks other chickens, and my two roos are people and chicken aggressive they only get along with each other.
This is my little pair. They are the sole survivors of a neighborhood dog attack last October....prior to that, I had 6. Now, I am trying to rebuild my flock from these 2, since they're scarce as hen's teeth (pun intended) around here. Little girl just started laying recently. I've got 2 of her eggs hatching as I type this and another 5 to set as soon as the current clutch clears the incubator. What color(s) can I expect from this combination?


Does this look like a porcelain egg?
does the one in the middle look like a porcelain egg? the ones on each side are sebright eggs. The egg in the middle is alot lighter than the first pic.
Hi. I have three 4-week old porcelain d'uccle pullets that I'm thinking of selling. I have no idea what to sell them for. Any idea what to ask for them?

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