Possible White Eye Peahen?


In the Brooder
May 29, 2023
I recently bought this female adding it to my breeding pen..
They told me its from pied parent
I can see all these white spots on her back and wings.. I'm wondering if its white eye or not?
do you recommend to mate it with IB male or White male? what I can get from here?
I appreciate your help!
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@KsKingBee Thank you for your time to reply!
I have few question regarding WE..
is White Peafowl a White eye?
from pictures I saw in the internet, a White Eye Peahen should have white dots on her tail but with my Peahen I see it on her back and shoulders, is this WE Peafowl too?
What are the possible Peachick coming from mating her with White Peacock?
I'm very curious to learn more about them!
Appreciate your help!
@KsKingBee Thank you for your time to reply!
I have few question regarding WE..
is White Peafowl a White eye?
from pictures I saw in the internet, a White Eye Peahen should have white dots on her tail but with my Peahen I see it on her back and shoulders, is this WE Peafowl too?
What are the possible Peachick coming from mating her with White Peacock?
I'm very curious to learn more about them!
Appreciate your help!
White and White Eye are two different genes, with either it takes two of those genes to produce full pattern, if only one gene they are considered split to that pattern.

What you are calling white dots should actually be a white frosting on the tips of the feathers. They are usually on the top or side of the bird.

There are a lot of possibilities and they depend on what she is carrying. This can help you decipher the possibilities without me having to do a lot of typing.


More information can be found in the 'Stickies Index' at the top of the main Peafowl page.
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@KsKingBee so I mated this peahen with a white male and this is my first peachick from them.. any guess what color is gonna be? and can we confirm that my peahen is carrying a WE gene?
More chicks hatching during this month!!!
The chick is Pied, whether it is WE remains to be seen. I have no idea what color it is as I don't know the color of the parents. The father is White pattern, he contributed one White gene and the mother has to carry Pied, (one Pied and one White gene or two Pied genes) and donated one Pied gene to produce a Pied chick. It is unknown if the father carries WE because it would be masked by the White. If the mother is full WE she most likely passed a WE gene as well. WE does not always pass. So at this time all we know for sure is that the chick is Pied, the mother is either split Pied or Dark Pied, (two Pied genes), and split or full WE. Watch the chick feather out, if it has white frosting it is also WE. You have ruled out the possibility that the mother is split White.
Dark Pied is a term given to a bird that carries two Pied genes. It can have little to no white showing visually, adding a White gene will make the offspring full Pied showing some to a lot of white on the birds. Silver Pied is made up of one White gene, one Pied gene, and two White Eye genes. It is impossible to have a Dark Silver Pied as there is no room on the chromosomes to harbor two White, two Pied, and four WE genes. Just the fact that a bird with two White genes would make it completely white.
Update about this peahen.. so far I got 3 hatched eggs and all of them IB Pied.. I have more eggs to hatch during this coming week from the same mating with white peacock.

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