Post here if you DON'T wash clean-looking eggs

Why wash it if it's clean?
I have enough things to wash around here...
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I use them without washing, Why would you want to wash the bloom off? If its dirty, it usually scapes off, if its really bad I'd wash it right before cooking it. The bloom its what protects the porous surface
Exactly what I do. The girls love it when I beat up an egg or two for them to gobble up. But no, I never wash the eggs, no matter what it's going to be made into. If you wash it you wash off the bloom and all the bacteria get in. And then it's THE END of the Healthy Egg.
Its not that I WON'T eat them. I get enough eggs where we don't miss the dirty ones. Even though I share them with the chickens and dog I still have enough to share with my neighbors and family. So I figure, why give myself the extra chore of cleaning them when they can benefit my animals too.

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