Post here if you DON'T wash clean-looking eggs

I don't wash them because I rarely have a dirty egg. At our old place we didn't have a good set-up and sometimes the eggs would be dirty. I would wash them right before I used them. MIL was visiting last year and she was horrified. She washed two dozen eggs one day while I was at work. I came home and threw them out. She was terribly offended! I guess she got over it. She also thought eating eggs from our own chickens was nasty. go figure

(I like my MIL)
I haven't had a dirty egg yet. Sometimes a piece of straw sticks to the wet egg and I peel that away but otherwise, no cleaning. I also feed my kids eggs with runny yolks.
I rinse the eggs off if they appear dirty. I also keep them in the fridge, I just don't have the counter space to even consider keeping them out and there's no way my husband would eat them if they sat out. I can't get my girls to lay in our nest they insist on laying on the floor where they sleep. I clean it every morning so there isn't any poop where they lay the eggs not to say that they can't poop but generally it's cleaner. Such is life.
No washing here, not the ones we sell, the ones we give away, or the ones we eat ourselves. Every once in a while one will have a shred of nest material stuck to it, but I just pick that off. When I hand a customer or neighbor their eggs I say "we don't wash the eggs, you may want to, or not. Enjoy!"

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