Post here if you DON'T wash clean-looking eggs

I never wash clean looking eggs. The last step in the egg laying process seals the eggs with a protective shield, so I have read. In fact washing the eggs makes them porous to contamination from outside contaminants.
My flock is NPIP certified so that helps me feel confident as well.
Currently I am not washing clean eggs. The eggs I have to wash get a light bleach/water solution dip and then are allowed to dry.
You might want to reconsider the hot water; although it sounds counterintuitive, cold might be better. I've read that hot or warm water pulls the bacteria into the egg more than cold. And, as others have mentioned, better to leave the bloom on until use, to protect from bacteria--just knock off any obvious dirt before storing.
you might want to reconsider using that Mr. Clean Eraser, too
You are destroying the "bloom" off the egg that protects it from bacteria/odors. If I have one that is totally filthy...and it does happen...I toss it.
You might want to reconsider the hot water; although it sounds counterintuitive, cold might be better. I've read that hot or warm water pulls the bacteria into the egg more than cold. And, as others have mentioned, better to leave the bloom on until use, to protect from bacteria--just knock off any obvious dirt before storing.

Actually that's backwards. Cold water is what causes the contents of the egg to shrink, sucking dirt and bacteria in through the pores in the shell. Very warm water causes the contents to swell, pushing dirt and germs up and out.
My pet chicken sells these egg washing wipes - thoughts? It seems like when the pullets are just starting to lay, there is some occasional poop or blood, but once they get going, they are very clean.

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