Post here if you DON'T wash clean-looking eggs

I don't wash them either. My Storey's guide says you shouldn't wash clean-looking eggs. (I think my chickens for dummies book says the same thing.) If I have to clean any eggs, I spot clean with a paper towel I squeeze out til just damp. The water on the damp paper towel should be slightly warmer than the egg temperature. Eggs are porous, and water colder than egg temp will cause the bacteria to suck into the egg as the pores close. That's what they say in the books, anyway.

I refrigerate them once they're dry, though.
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I don't wash but I do refrigerate because I have very active roosters

I thought you had to refrigerate fertile eggs, no?
For the eggs I give away I do tell them they are not washed, and I only
give away the clean eggs.
Ditto, we don't wash clean eggs and I am forced to wash the occasional dirty egg before selling but I agree that it compromises the quality...
Nope! When you think about the temps/humidity it takes to turn a fertilized egg into a chick and just how long it takes to do that, I'm guessing time outside the fridge would have to be in a pretty hot and humid place to produce any chick activity. Think about how long eggs are in a hidden nest in the summer before the chicken actually starts to brood them...she doesn't start sitting until she has laid her whole clutch so that chicks won't be developing at different rates. So...several eggs in a nest for 7-10 days during hot and humid summers, but no chick development until Mom actually sits on them?

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