Post office killed my chicks. I am in shock. pics - graphic

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Yippy, would love to see your little heroine.

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He showed the dead chicks to the Post Mistress and she said that she didn't blame us for being upset and that she would check into it. In other words, nothing happened.

I called the 1 800 number and issued a complaint and they are supposed to get back to me within a day.

I am also going up to the post office myself tomorrow to talk to the lady.
Its weird. All day I was either mad or numb. Now looking at Anani, I am just sad. There should 9 others just like her in the brooder. And 10 others too (Buff Orpington and Cherry Egger).

Y'all are right. She will probably be my favorite. Along with my Silkie with the cross beak. And my sweet little mystery chick that I have been giving poultry therapy to all week. His little feet have straightened out and his spraddle leg is so much better! He is a tuffy too!
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