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How long does everyone usually leave a new chicken locked in the coop to be sure they don't take off, & know where to sleep?
I'm going to get wrong for saying this but oh well.... I don't isolate or introduce. Introducing is pointless in my eyes. They are going to fight anyways because they need to know where they stand with each other. I do lock mine in the shed for a day though and then let them out the next morning. I have never had a hen that hasn't got back in the shed. Only my ex batts couldnt get back in the shed first time
So my roo's comb still looks like it did a few months ago...???
I'm going to get wrong for saying this but oh well.... I don't isolate or introduce. Introducing is pointless in my eyes. They are going to fight anyways because they need to know where they stand with each other. I do lock mine in the shed for a day though and then let them out the next morning. I have never had a hen that hasn't got back in the shed. Only my ex batts couldnt get back in the shed first time
Yeah. I'm not really concerned with isolating, its time for them all to have some treatments anyway. And he is my ONLY rooster now, so. I just didn't want him to run off. Lol Thabks
She does live in her own world! I thought her getting a beating like broke her character but once she got a hold of Lily she just exploded into Bella mode! She also got Ruby in trouble because after her and Ruby had a fight Ruby thought she had won and Bella's mother was standing between them pecking around and Bella got into a fighting position, so Ruby did too and then when Bella's mother lifted her head up all she could see is Ruby and thought Ruby was having ago at her so she give Ruby a beating!
I just love her spirit!!!!

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