Post Pics Of Orps/ Orpingtons HERE 1910 the comb was worth 8 points...who knew..i seldome had time to open that standard and now that i loaned it out..i want to look at to look at the oldies thou..
We are about 40 miles North/West of Fort Worth near Decatur. Thank You for the comment on our Rooster. We picked him up in Missouri. He is one of Fred Farthing's line. Please do look us up next time your in this area.
I am originally from Decatur. I probably missed the pic of your rooster in all the posts. If you would post him again I would love to see one of Fred's birds. I am trying to get my sister in Alvord set up with a few of my hens but she isn't as crazy about them as I am.
In my breeding program, type, color and size are big things. Combs is not a big thing, but something you need to pay attention to.
Don are you heading this way soon? I need to separate the keeper boys from the non keepers. Their hormones are starting to kick in. If they ever grow their feathers back after this last molt I would have a better idea of what they would look like. You could probably look at them right away and tell me who to keep and who to cull.
Hi there! I am fairly new to breeding chickens for high quality results. I searched high and low for the best start I could. I purchased a trio of 100% English Orpingtons, one black roo, one black hen and one blue hen. They are large! And so beautiful! I hatched out 35 chicks a few weeks ago (like 3 almost 4 weeks). I can not keep that many though. I want to sell some but am not sure how to decide which ones to keep and which ones to sell. I keep reading to keep ones with good shape but I don't know what shape that is! I can not find picture of perfectly shaped chicks. I know there are some I can part with right off because of simple reasons... A few have a white feather or two growing in. A few have yellow beaks when they are supposed to be black and a few have partially yellow feet which are also supposed to be black. Any advice? I am going crazy standing here staring at these chicks!

Oh and one more question. If a chicken breed is supposed to have a black beak and not having a black break is a disqualification then does every inch of the beak have to be solid black? I have some that are black but have just a speck of yellow (or natural color). Would those be DQ because the ENTIRE beak is not black? Or do they only worry about the primary color?
Hi there! I am fairly new to breeding chickens for high quality results. I searched high and low for the best start I could. I purchased a trio of 100% English Orpingtons, one black roo, one black hen and one blue hen. They are large! And so beautiful! I hatched out 35 chicks a few weeks ago (like 3 almost 4 weeks). I can not keep that many though. I want to sell some but am not sure how to decide which ones to keep and which ones to sell. I keep reading to keep ones with good shape but I don't know what shape that is! I can not find picture of perfectly shaped chicks. I know there are some I can part with right off because of simple reasons... A few have a white feather or two growing in. A few have yellow beaks when they are supposed to be black and a few have partially yellow feet which are also supposed to be black. Any advice? I am going crazy standing here staring at these chicks!

Oh and one more question. If a chicken breed is supposed to have a black beak and not having a black break is a disqualification then does every inch of the beak have to be solid black? I have some that are black but have just a speck of yellow (or natural color). Would those be DQ because the ENTIRE beak is not black? Or do they only worry about the primary color?

Sooo... all of those things you mentioned about your chicks are going to change. You can't choose which birds your going to use as breeders or who to cull as a day old chick.

Most chicks start out with yellow beaks/toes, they'll naturally change to the correct color as they mature- or they should. If they don't, then cull. As for beak color, etc. that will all change with time too. So don't go rehoming anyone right now. As far as white wing feathers coming in, you're probably noticing the natural down color of the birds, they're white and black, yes? Those white feathers will (or should) also disappear with age. Don't stress over them right now.

When you hear folks talking about "shape" and "type" they aren't talking about the shape of a chick... they're talking about a mature bird. If you're breeding English Orpingtons and you want them to look like English birds, not necessarily like their American counterparts just do a quick search of the forum for the Imported English Orpington thread, you'll see lots of pictures of birds there.

Here's one of my Blue hens, the bird in my avatar picture. She has excellent type and color.

Enjoy your chicks, give them time to grow, most people don't start culling their birds until they're at least 8 months to a year old, unless there are obvious defects or faults visible.
5 points total for the whole single comb, rose combs are more.

Thank you Walt..thought my memory left me..Could have sworn I read 5 points.

Points add up quick in those big shows..i think pastor romig told me he starts with the maximum points for each bird , then starts deducting as he goes down the line..with a few birds that will stand out to him right away....I learn a little bit every day
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Thank you Walt..thought my memory left me..Could have sworn I read 5 points.

Points add up quick in those big shows..i think pastor romig told me he starts with the maximum points for each bird , then starts deducting as he goes down the line..with a few birds that will stand out to him right away....I learn a little bit every day

He is a good one to learn from.

He is a good one to learn from.

well so are you Walt..ive taken your advise on many things thou i may have those australorps..when i started playing with that group it was a mess..the rooster was good..the hens had 5000 comb points and fishtails like crazy..i was so discouraged at one point i was going to throw the blk orp hen in there to fix talked me out of it..i grumbled and kept plugging away at it year by year and over the last 2 years it finnaly happened..straight combs 5 points a few with 4 a few with 6 or 7 ..the points are a little close together but its coming it can be done...Vickie did it in one swoop..every comb is cookie cutter..but when your a master exhibitor you get to that point..and beleive me..pastor romig gives us girls some scoldings too..he means it too..because he cares that somone is trying..we were doing some project and he said dont you girls try that again..
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