Post Pics Of Orps/ Orpingtons HERE

Handsome boy. Here's a good example of why you don't cull Orps early ! What a difference 5 weeks makes !

He was a nice boy and not culling early is good advice if there is any hope for one. The ones I culled very early on had faults no amount of time would have corrected. If there is any hope I keep them but at a certain point I eliminate the so/so or inferior ones to concentrate my resources on the better ones.
[COLOR=333333]This is what happens when I open the baby run gate.....9 had already made it out of camera range! Babies 10-4 weeks old.[/COLOR] [COLOR=333333]Going ......[/COLOR] [COLOR=333333] [/COLOR] [COLOR=333333] Going.......[/COLOR] [COLOR=333333] [/COLOR] [COLOR=333333]Gone ! Looking for bugs under the hydrangeas.[/COLOR] [COLOR=333333] [/COLOR]
I just want to watch you with the hose getting these little devils back in the coop. I bet that is hilarious! What a beautiful bunch of fluffy butts!
He was a nice boy and not culling early is good advice if there is any hope for one. The ones I culled very early on had faults no amount of time would have corrected. If there is any hope I keep them but at a certain point I eliminate the so/so or inferior ones to concentrate my resources on the better ones.
I am slowly learning this.
I actually never bred any of them, either the true blacks or the blues. My blacks were from hatching eggs I got from HinkJC farms and the blues were from a fella on BYC, Rebel Yell. He now has an even better, in fact excellent line of English Blues and sells hatching eggs.

Not sure which you want to see, but I'm supposing blacks? Only have pics of one of the black pullets left I think. This is Sugar at 8 months, a pure black who thought she was Queen of the World. Pic is not good quality and has been blown up. Doesn't really show her sheen either.

You'll notice both the cockerel and this black girl hold their tails way high. Or at least appears to. Made them look super short backed. With age though they got to looking better.

Here's the splash's sisters


and Pickles

They were the cutest couple of girls ever. But Olive's lacing was not great and that was why I was going to breed to a black. She did have the body type and everything going on though. And not a bit of brown or red leakage anywhere.
wow thanks for the pics. See my line that I am working with has brahma like four or five gens back and therefore my genetics are all over the place. I'm at the point ware I'm not sure to stick with it or to say to heck with it. The guy I got um from was trying to improve size but in my mind he really screwed up. I think that I would have bread some english orp. Into them to get them bigger but that is just me. I'm getting talis that are like 90 degrees and side springs like crazy also my size and type varies so much it's very frustrating.
My best suggestion is to get some eggs from Roger, aka "Rebel Yell" here on BYC. His blues are fantastic. When you start with good birds, you don't have as far to go. Being frustrated over what you're describing just sounds like a lot of work for next to no rewards.
I am slowly learning this.
Littlechicklett is right on with this. Don't cull early. Wait. How many times have I read here that no one seemed exceptional then all the sudden one day a bird just jumped out and said "I'm fantastic!" - often. And I've had it happen to me. A bird that never caught my eye suddenly said "LOOK!!!" It does take them some time to grow and unless there is an obvious DQ early, let them grow.
I have tons of shade and SUN hydrangeas. I'd love to send you some in Feb. I wish peonies would grow in this sand. I had beautiful ones in GA red clay.

Those hydrangeas have bird netting over them that you can't see, because they have grown up through it. Just another layer of hawk protection, in case a bad bird makes it through the overhead lines.

Wonderful Pics Vickie! Yep they are busy ones! got their day filled with fun to see..
This is Charlie, a splash roo that I had. He and his sisters had no leakage, so I'm sure they had "silver" and no "red" or "gold."


Had I bred the girls to the black, it would have been a huge mistake. But life led me in a different direction so I don't breed blues as I had once planned anyway.

I don't think you can get a "true" black from blues unless those blues had the red gene introduced at some point. Even at that, it'd be a whole lot easier to just get a few true blacks than to try it.[/quote

OMG, he is gorgeous! I soooo have chicken envy! :love

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