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How's Daisy's baby doing? Still no name? You didn't like Rosie? I think another flower name would be cute. Hope she's made some friends.
such beautiful pictures! ..they should be made into a 'coffee-table' book or calendar...your girls, your structures, the landscape..gorgeous!-danielle
saddles on my hens dont work...they are so fluffy on their backs the saddles just roll up and when the rooster hops on his feet go up in under them any I dont even fool with saddles I just try my best to have enough hens per rooster and I never keep an aggressive rooster so far I have had fairly good luck with doing that...I have one hen so far that is beginning to loose feathers but I do believe that is because her feathers are extra loose/fluffy on her back more so than the others which have every little to no damage.
I had that problem with a light weight saddle. Then I got one made with a liner that is almost like canvas, and it works great. Won't use them when it's hot though. Thankfully they're in full molt during cool weather. Also I learned that you must make sure they're long enough. Lualshannon's are the right length. I tried one that only went right to the base of the tail like the directions said, and it really was too short to work well.
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