Post Pics Of Orps/ Orpingtons HERE

Some have seen this shot but I just think it's too cute and wanted to post it here.

How easy is it to tell the sex of an orpington around the age of 12 wks? I have a blue orpington that is growing out and just yesterday I noticed the "saddle" feathers didn't look much like that of a hen. Can anyone tell if this is a pullet or roo?

This was the chick back in September

These are some shots from "above" of the feathers on its back. These were taken yesterday.

It has a pullet I say pullet...for now ;)
Oh dear! Sorry. I am adding to the confusion. The photo I posted is of our two laying hens, Lucy & Charlotte. It was taken when they were 12 weeks old. We also wondered at that time if Lucy's curved tail feathers might be a signal that we had a rooster, but she is laying eggs now. I posted the photo to show that the blue Orpington back feathers look a lot like our girls' did at that same age.
Monty and his girls out after the frost here.

We're expecting 22 degrees here tomorrow morning after 28 degrees,and SNOW last night.. Weird weather for South Carolina, but the Orps love it.
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I love the look of the true Orpingtons, but last spring when circumstances were right to begin our flock it was easier to go to the local feed store and purchase all the chicks in one week. We made purchases on three different days to acquire the chicks on our wish list awaiting their shipments. All of the pullets are pullets and all healthy which is a great relief to us. The feed store "Ameraucanas" are actually Easter Eggers, but those two girls are delightful. The Buff Orpingtons are obviously a skinnier variety and Charlotte has little black markings on her tail feathers so it is apparent that they are mixed with something, but again they are sweet, healthy, and lay beautiful eggs every day since they started laying so we don't mind. We'd like to add to our flock this spring, but we are a bit concerned about introducing new birds and possibly illness if we buy from too many sources.

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