Post Pics Of Orps/ Orpingtons HERE

Here's my birds. I don't have many because I decided in August I was going to focus on Orps, Ameraucanas and Cochins. So, I just started getting my Orps then.

Cockerel 1:
He is alerted so his tail is up higher than normal.

Cockerel 2:
He is also alerted. He also struts like that.

Cockerel 3:
His tail feathers are coming is slower, but he is the widest of the three.


(With my RSL, Pink as comparison)

The group:


Cockerel #4 is in there, but I don't like him. He's slow in developing his tail like #3, but not quite as big.



I have two babies in the brooder - a lav and a black.

I have two hatchery buffs and no pics of them. Sorry!
the lavender one with the orange/red markings looks nice, would like to see pictures as he/she grows up

The blue in the blue wheaten cockrel looks identical to the lavenders' color. Maybe you took them on a cloudy day? I have been wondering how to get pics of lavs that don't make them look too washed out.
Also- even though roo #4 is slow to develop, I think he has the best type (in those pictures, anyway) He is the one in front, right?
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Yep, it was an overcast day. Seems their color comes out the nicest on my camera on those dreary days. Cockerel #3 is in the front in the last picture. I am keeping him for sure. Cockerel #4 is behind #3 in that last picture to the left. His back is very flat and what's there of his tail is almost at a 90 degree angle. I may keep cockerel #2 as a back up, but I am unsure. I was going to keep one of the blues for my Australorps. My Lav cockerel is small, but young. I doubt I will be keeping him though. I am after some black Orp eggs right now. I want to give cockerel #3 some black girls and use his larger black offspring to improve the size and type of my Orps.
Ahhh- ok then #3 is who I was looking at. I love that kind of shot for orp roos.

Good idea to keep a backup though- 2 years in a row I missed out on breeding any orps because I lost my roos. I've had to buy eggs when I have perfectly good hens getting old on me
Oh well- at least I have diversity!
I have only a few more to grow out. This is a July hatch. Just around 5 months old.

Here is my last of this year's Silver Duckwings. She is 3/8's Orp. I will first take her to a Dick Dickerson Cuckoo Marans cockerel who has the pattern I like and IF any pop out next year that resemble an Orp I will use in a Silver Crele project. She it also approaching 5 months old. Next exactly what I want to use but her and her sis should make something neat to play with for the future.
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Just so you know, those have black in their tails, Buff Orpingtons should be Self Buff, or solid buff color with no black or other color in them at all.

They almost look like New Hampshires.
Here are my 4 8 week old Orpingtons. Ella and Zella are the blues, Lucy the splash and the black rooster that was named Eva before I figured out he was a boy. Any suggestions on a name for him? These are my first Orpingtons how are they looking?

Ella, Zella, and Lucy

Lucy, my sweet girl

My little boy


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