Post pics of stock from Ideal Poultry please !!

hear are a couple of SLW from ideal, the EE rooster in the background is also from ideal



has anyone every got any gold laced, buff laced or silver laced polish from ideal. if so how where they(pics if you got some would be nice)
I am so sorry that I don't have any really awesome pictures but I just wanted to say that I am extremely happy with all the birds that I have gotten from Ideal. I do have a golden laced polish hen and she is really pretty. I have LF cochins in barred, black, white, and buff from them as well and they are all very nice. My buff has a defect of some sort but I am thinking it has nothing to do with the stock but rather something that happened to her when she was hatching. She has for lack of a better term "chicken scoliosis" She is bent in the middle and I didn't expect her to have a quality of life or live long but she thrived and runs the flock. Even the dog yields to her. She's a good lady and we love her gimpy and all.
Here is some LF white cochin pullets and a LF partridge cochin cockeral at 4 months old


Blue and White Naked Necks at 5 months


Delaware Roo 5 months

i really like the way you have your coops and runs set up do you have a pic of that set up, i would really like to see it
i really like the way you have your coops and runs set up do you have a pic of that set up, i would really like to see it

Thanks. I sent you a private message. One day I will be able to get myself one of those really nice cameras and take some pretty pictures like everyone posts.
Hmm, don't wish to be the party poop, but I've had a few issues with Ideal Birds.
I ordered 6 Black Langshan pullets (already had 2, 4 week old Blue Langshan Roo's), 3 Barred Rocks and 3 RIR pullets.

First, when you order a small number for your backyard they reccommend NOT vaccinating for Mareks disease....
I lost ALL but 1 Black Langshan Pullet. (including my 2 Roo's) 2 RIR from Mareks and one Barred Rock.
The 5 survivers are about 4 months old now. And one will have a permanent limp. (Mareks)
I've had to keep them isolated and probably will forever. They will not be sold either...
To say I'm disappointed is an understatement.
I will NOT order from them again.
Good luck...
I'm so glad everyone else has such gorgeous birds!

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