*Post pictures of your duck pen/coop!!* :)

I was going to put a heating lamp in my duck house too ... I don't have Indian runners but I have two ancona one white crested and one blue swedish so 4 in total ... this is their first time outside and they have been molting their teenage feathers .. their 12 weeks old and it gets about 40degreesF here at night give or take a few degrees... during the day it's like 70 here in Florida... it's my first time with ducks what do u think I should do

I would not, a few concerns with lamps.. one they die, you loose hydro and your birds are accustomed to a temp that will not remain... next never underestimate the risk of fire.. they are very hot and bedding and materials of the coops can easily catch fire.

We were below freezing the other day, all my ducks were fine, as a matter of fact i even have some chicks with their mother(yes, chickens but still to give an example of young) Lamps sometimes do have to be used when circumstances arise where additional heat is required, however most ducks and chickens for that matter simply do not need it. My calls swam the day the ice covered their pools i just hammer them open.

Just made a bigger house for my growing flock. Used an exsisting roofed in shelter that I had for my chickens it's 8ft x 4ft. They hated their inclosed house. So I made this one feel as outdoorsy as possible. The love it!! Have the other side hinged so I can open it to remove/add bedding I just need to add a floor. Gonna have a slide in one that I can pull out and clean as needed

This was their old house. So cute. Roof lifted up. No one liked staying in there tho

Just made a bigger house for my growing flock. Used an exsisting roofed in shelter that I had for my chickens it's 8ft x 4ft. They hated their inclosed house. So I made this one feel as outdoorsy as possible. The love it!! Have the other side hinged so I can open it to remove/add bedding I just need to add a floor. Gonna have a slide in one that I can pull out and clean as needed

This was their old house. So cute. Roof lifted up. No one liked staying in there tho
Love them both great job!!

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