post your chicken coop pictures here!

This is our coop. My husband built it by "paraphrasing" some plans he found in a book and on-line. With some suggestions from yours truly, as I wandered out every once in awhile to see what was going on. One roof side opens so I can clean out the roost area. The nest box has to be modified a bit because we used repurposed wood from an old bedframe, and it isn't perfectly flat so it leaks water when it rains. That's why we haven't bothered putting a latch on it yet and just use the cinder block. My girls won't be laying eggs until next spring most likely, so we aren't in a rush.
Here is one coop that we bought

and this is the one my hubby is working on with our 2 sons.. 2 story, top floor is going to be a brooder and lower is going to be a chicken run for the older chicks to get out and about.

this is going to be the enclosed run.
Here's our coop! Originally, it was a pair of dog kennels, but since one dog passed away and the other moved inside with me, we converted it to a chicken coop and a rabbit hutch. It's the nicest spot in the yard--loads of shade and lots of breeze coming through.

(This is before we put down a few inches of sawdust over the concrete.)

I tried a search on how to have a page with my coop and run and this showed up so I will post a few pics here and if anyone can point me in the direction of how to have my coop have its own page (here's the catch) using my iPad, I'd appreciate it. Got many great ideas from the coop pages and this list and after 3 weeks of living with my new coop and new to me - 4 laying hens, I'm very happy with my design. Overall dimensions are 5 x 11 feet. Enclosed coop area 5 x 5. Built on a sloped area. Minimum ht under coop is 2 ft. The boards along the bottom, are all level even if it doesn't look it.
Here's a close up from another angle.
And here's one of the inside after my girls have been using it for two weeks. Of course I do scoop the PDZ daily.


Here ya go!

This website is HUGE and fantastic! Sometime when you have the time, go to the top of any page and peruse all the tabs to find TONS of information: HOME, LEARNING CENTER, FORUM etc. Good luck and welcome
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I see no reason why that wouldn't work.. I like the idea.  If I can ever get my horse stalls converted into coops then that will be what I would use. :)


I am new to chickens and trying to figure it out as I go haha. We currently have 4 chicks (blrw, sfh, 2 araucana) a mini donkey, 4 goats, a mini pig and an alpaca. Chickens should be no trouble to figure out :)

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