Post Your Chocolates, Dun ,Khaki , Platinum Bird Pics

yep, directly back to Toni

Silver duckwing version, and a solid dun as well . 90% of my current phoenix all came from her.

my solid dun and dun quail d'anvers came from Mike Fratto. Since I have bred them into dun cuckoos, and have some split to mottled now that should make me some mottled dun this spring.
This Orp Pullet seems to have some mottleing coming in on the tips of her feathers on her chest and wings. Cool!! Chocolate Mottled lol

A different Pullet
@Tony - Have you been working on your choclate orps long? They look marvelous! Would love to hear more about them.
Not really sure what color you would call my bantam EE, but she looks like some sort of brown or dun color. What do ya'll think?

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