Post your exotic/domestic duck aviary/pool pics

Well, I gotta question.
I am working on pricing out my aiviary, and I was wondering if I could put some wire around the bottom of the chain link fence. I know they could fly out in theory, but would they intentonally? Is it a good Idea?
Think of it this way, mandarins are natural cavity nesters where they fly up to a hole in a tree thats not much bigger than that of the chainlink. and odds are for the first weeks of having them, they going to be some what flighty. So if they want out they will probably get out.
You might ask destinduck these questions. I know that on some of his pens he has chainlink but i'm not sure what species he keeps in them or if there lined with chicken wire or not.
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And i don't know how big of a pen you want, but if you go ahead and make one kinda like mine with 4x4s in the ground connected by 2x4's might i recommend going ahead and spacing the 4x4's 8ft apart instead of 12ft. Reason being is i though that the less wood i bought the cheaper it would be, well after i did the math a few times it turns out its cheaper to do it the 8ft apart way just because the prices of 12fters are so much higher. plus the fact that too me right now my 12ft boards feel a little flimsy compared to the 8fters. just a thought.
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Ok, will do. My brother has a call in a dog kennel(which is made of chainlink) and it doesnt try to slip out. But then again, they arent wild... O well, ill ask someone.

I can use hardware cloth, but im tryin to save some money since my dads makin me pay for most all of the pen.
Thanks, KansasKid. I made my chicken coop with mostly hex chicken wire, but made the brooder for the babies with hardware cloth just for security. Luckily I had already figured out the 8-foot lumber rule (I'm pretty frugal like that). I do like the look of the hardware cloth better, but with the size I am building - 24 x 12 or 16 (not sure yet) - using chicken wire may really save some money. We do also have cayotes here now, and stray dogs are my biggest worry. I am making the pen in the ground, and moving the chickens into it as well.

I am not too far from Destinduck, and have cooresponded with him about possibly getting my Mandrins from him when I am ready.
I think I may build it with about two feet of solid wall, then 4 feet of hardware cloth or chicken wire. I may be able to find scrap for the wood part, which would save money. Time to get out the calculator....
My call ducks are in a dog kennel pen and do just fine. I have a netting on top to keep them safe from daytime flying predators. I lock them up in their playhouse every night. As far as the sides of kennel they reach thru and play in grass outside but cannot slip thru. I use a submersible horse trough heater in winter and sump pump it out weekly. The calls LOVE clean water and go crazy diving and splashing in it. The winter pic. shows that I have too many for pen size. Unfortunately I got some back from buyers who could not keep them. I am now back down to 8 calls which is perfect number!



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